Spirit Prince (2)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Fel stretched his limbs and found he wasn't chained. That made it a lot easier for him to put his right hand at the front of the slave collar. Instead of getting magic from inside his body, he collected it from around him, concentrating it at the lock on the collar. In a matter of seconds, he revoked the original owner of the collar and deactivated it. Fel kept it on so that he wouldn't raise suspicion.

There were two ways to use magic in this world. One was from absorbing magic into the person's core, filtering it, and then releasing it back out, or by gathering it from outside the body and directly using it like that. Mortals were only able to do the former while spirits were capable of doing both. That was because Spirits were able to convert magic into different elements without needing to use their core.

Fire, Water that could also be converted into ice, Wind, Earth, Light, and Darkness were the six basic magic elements. There were also special ones like Space-time and Wood that could grow and control plants. Finally, there was Neutral magic that had no elements. This was the purest form of magical energy, nine elements in total.

Sadly, the original Fel was not taught any complex magic yet. If he was, he would've been able to do what the Host just did. Host's imagination-driven magic was more powerful than any of the magic that Fel was taught. Whatever could be put into thought and converted into magic, Fel was capable of. Perks of being a foreign entity not of this world.

He stood up and looked around the small basement. There was a bucket for a toilet at one corner and at another corner was where they dropped food and water. There was a dirty brown mat for sleeping and a door across the mat. A small window was on the right wall near the ceiling making it difficult for the original to reach and climb up. Overall, the room was simple, cold, and dirty. The only form of ventilation was the little window.

Fel looked down at his clothes that were just brown rags. They were falling apart and had holes in them. The original body had no problems with the stench, but the Host found it unbearable. He went around the room using [Clean]. It was neutral magic that everyone knew. He also cleaned himself because he knew he had contributed to the smell too.

When he sniffed the air, it no longer smelled of feces and urine. It honestly didn't smell like anything, which was the result of cleaning with magic. It was better than the putrid smell from earlier though.

Knowing that the original had lived this way until he died, made Fel's stomach hurt.

'System, I just realized this but this situation reminds me of a story that I had read.'

[*Chirp...* Host, what story?] System 225 was a little surprised to be called as there was nothing going on so he accidentally pressed the chirp button.

'It was a story that was against the utilitarianism doctrine. An easy definition would be that any action, regardless of what it was, was okay as long as it benefited the majority. That means that if the suffering of one person could make the rest happy, then the suffering of that single individual was justified. This story that I read a long time ago was called "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" by Ursula K. Le Guin. There was a child that was locked up in the basement or a tool room or something like that. Their suffering was what made the people of Omelas happy. Though this was all a metaphor, it really does speak out to me.

'Every world I go into feels exactly like that. This sounds crazy but it was like villains and cannon fodders were made exactly for this reason. Like in the first world where I was Alec and I played the role of a villain, everything he did was to help the people even if it meant that he was suffering and people had to die. Even Alec himself was sacrificed for Stephan so that Stephan, the Child of God, could live his life to the potential even if the man was evil.

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