Serial Killer (2)

508 21 2

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Grey was only able to sleep for two hours before he was tapped on the shoulder to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes and furrowed his brow. His eyes were squinting so hard that it looked like he was closing them again. He just couldn't see anything! It was so blurry.

"What time is it?" He grumbled as he felt around the table for his glasses. He should've worn his contacts, but he hadn't even had the time to go home. He had been wearing the same clothes switching with another pair for almost a week now. Of course, he had washed them, but it was getting kind of disgusting at this point.

His deskmate and his new partner, Caleb, handed him the glasses that were on the desk. "It's 6 A.M, but you should eat before going to the morgue. Dr. Hendrick is expecting you bright and early. You know how he is."

A familiar, but different, tingle went up Grey's arm, making him look over at Caleb blurry-eyed. He took a deep breath before putting his glasses on.

Grey tried to search through his memory for a man named "Dr. Hendrick." He concluded it was an older man in his 60s. He also heard that Dr. Hendrick finally got a younger co-worker who would be helping him with all the bodies that were coming in. The old man refused to do so much work on his own. This man was undoubtedly hard to handle which was why he was always tasked to go over there. They became friends on the level where Myles could actually joke around with him. As for Grey, he just needed to act how Myles acted around Dr. Hendrick.

"Got it. Let me freshen myself up and grab some breakfast on the way."

'It seems Kyle is in this world too. He shows up in worlds like these more often than in worlds that people would consider a fantasy world.'

[He probably prefers worlds with similar technology and science to his original world. Though he is trying his best to follow you. His soul tries its best to ignore that preference.]

Made sense as he was also in the previous world.

'Even souls can have preferences for worlds?'

[Of course. It is in the soul's data. Though there are times when some are able to adapt or have no preference at all.]

Grey was interested in the soul's data but he knew there was no way for him to access it, so he just left it be. He was just happy that his best friend wanted to be by his side.

He went to the locker room and fixed himself up in the bathroom. He grabbed his change of clothes that he had gotten cleaned. He was a detective so he didn't wear the usual police outfit. He wore clothes that looked like business casual clothing. He even wore a tie and had a trench coat on. Inside the trenchcoat, he was able to hide his wallet and guns. It was cozy, so he didn't mind the outfit. It was winter so he wanted to put on some more layers though.

He looked in the mirror to see a man with tan and healthy skin. The only thing not so good about him was the horrid bags under his caramel-brown eyes. Myles exercised on a daily basis and practiced self-defense, so he was in good shape. He was tall, like 6 ft., and had form-fitting clothes that accentuated his muscles. He had short messy hair that was styled to the side to make it presentable. Usually, he kept the hair on the sides of his head shorter than the top, but it was starting to grow out a bit. Even so, he still looked nice if he styled his hair. However, Grey wanted a haircut because the hair was starting to get in his eyes.

It didn't take him long to clean himself up before dragging Caleb with him out the door. They went down the street to get some breakfast at a street stall. The stall had breakfast burritos and hot cocoa. It was weird but the stall was very famous for its hot cocoa when winter came. Their burritos were the best in the city though, so it was crowded when people started to head out to work. Luckily, the shop opened up early and there were very few people.

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