Serial Killer (11)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


It didn't take long for Grey to find the warehouse. He had System 225's help so it seemed like he guided everyone there as if he had been there before. There were no hesitations as he maneuvered through the harbor.

When he opened the warehouse door, he made sure that Caleb stayed hidden while he walked deeper into the building. After passing the large boxes and crates, he found Dr. Reynolds, tied up in a chair with duct tape and a table in front of him.

On the table, a man was sitting, legs crossed, on his phone. He wore a three-piece, black, designer suit, and a red tie. His blonde hair was slicked back, so they could see his well-tamed eyebrows and his beautiful blue eyes. He had the perfect smile, so when he did smile, people couldn't help but think he was a male god.

Seeing the man, he instantly knew he was the CEO of RO Tech, Kyle Reed.

Hearing footsteps, Kyle Reed looked up and smiled. "Myles, you have finally come and you even brought guests with you so quickly. I really underestimated you."

"Caleb, fall back," Myles shouted loud enough for Caleb to hear him.

"But Myles!"

"Fall back and wait for the others!" It was the first time Myles raised his voice at Caleb. "It's dangerous and I want you to be safe, so wait for me."

Caleb clenched his fists and pulled back, leaving through the open entrance of the warehouse where he waited for the others.

Kyle had already known that he brought everyone and they were using him as bait. It was best for everyone. Caleb to fall back so that it was just him and Kyle.

"I'm really happy that you are here. I've been waiting for this day to come when you and I will meet. It's sad though that we had to meet again in such a way."

Grey hated that Kyle's name was on that face, but he pushed down his dislike. "Kyle, you are the one who made it so we had to meet this way. I probably would've preferred it if we met under different circumstances, like at a restaurant or something." Maybe something a bit more... Normal?

"You... Do you remember me?" Kyle's face was astonished.

"Of course I do. You were my precious friend from the orphanage. Even though we have aged, you still share similar qualities to the boy who followed me around."

"If you remember me, then why did you ignore me at that party? You walked past me, without saying a word! Do you know how shocked I was? We were finally able to meet again, after almost 20 years of being apart, but you didn't see me."

A psychopath. Most people wouldn't remember such insignificant details, but this man had probably been stalking Myles for years, so when Myles didn't notice him at that time, he probably flipped.

"How could I approach you at that time? There were many reporters and famous people. As much as I wanted to talk to you, I'm not interested in having my life intruded on by the media. You are a famous figure in this city, I'm nothing much..."

Grey was spitting lies like there was no tomorrow. Myles didn't even notice Kyle passing by him, nonetheless really cared. The man had isolated his feelings and emotions, putting them into sections and categorizing them by priority. Everything from his childhood, he tried his best to suppress. He didn't want to remember anything or anyone from that time. He ran away and didn't want to look back at the demons that were chasing after him.

That's why, even if the original Myles was here, he wouldn't have remembered Kyle at all.

"What do you mean you are nothing much? In comparison, if this world wasn't so unforgiving, you would've been shining! Like a bright star in the night sky, guiding people into the light. But it's like there's something going against you, trying to pull you down to make sure you will never be your best self. I was taking out people who hindered your growth. They deserved this. All of this!"

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