To Be King (9)

397 28 6

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


When Grey arrived at Dean's estate, he was given a quiet, but heart-warming welcome. Everyone knew that he was the cursed prince who defended the country. No one disrespected him or looked down on him because of his curse. They didn't know Ameer's relationship with Dean, but they knew it was really close seeing how overprotective Dean was. He even brought a doctor, a magician, and an alchemist to meet Ameer.

Grey was taken to a room right next to Dean's. Dean ordered his servants to do this just in case something happened to Grey during the treatment.

Dean helped Grey sit down on the bed and sat next to him. He held his hand. "Gregory has already created the antidote for the curse, but I don't know the details, so you can ask him about it yourself."

Grey gave Dean the chest with the book when they met at the inn. It only took 20 minutes for the mage to unlock the chest, but it took an additional three days to gather all the materials needed for the antidote, and then make it. It wasn't difficult to make. The ingredients, on the other hand, were extremely weird. Like the liver of a bear, or the roots of a fruit that no one likes because of the smell. The worst part was, there were over 30 ingredients, and each one had to be processed at different temperatures. Some were cooked at high temperatures, and some were cooked at very low temperatures and for a very long time. It drove the alchemist nuts.

The alchemist, Gregory, had bags under his dark brown eyes. His gray-blueish short hair was shaggy and uncouth. He looked like he hadn't showered or slept in days. "Let me tell you, this antidote was a pain in the ass to make. I will never do this again. I won't let anyone make this stupid curse even if it means I have to burn myself and take this book with me."

To make the curse, it was even worse. The ingredients were so rare that Gregory didn't even know how Queen Meredith or Consort Ceanna got their hands on the ingredients. They also need 50 ingredients to make the curse effective. How long did it take for them to gather it? He didn't even want to know.

Grey didn't see the contents of the forbidden alchemy book, but just looking at Gregory's face, he knew it was pretty damn traumatizing.

"Well, if it fails, you will have to do it again," Dean looked at Gregory with a smile on his face. "If you have to do it again, I will not only give you a raise, but a bonus."

Gregory's face cracked. He wanted that raise and that bonus, but did he really want to make another antidote? Not really, but for the money...

"You must keep your word." He liked money far too much.

Dean looked at him with his eyebrow raised. How didn't he realize that Gregory was just like some people he once knew... Money lovers who would do anything for money... He hasn't changed at all. They also liked to follow him sometimes, especially when he was filthy rich.

"I appreciate all the help you have given me," Grey sincerely thanked Gregory. Without him, Grey didn't know how he would be able to get rid of this "curse." It would have probably taken a lot longer too.

"It is no trouble at all, Your Highness."

Dean glanced at Gregory. It was weird to see the man so... formal.

"Alright, let's get started. I don't know how the process will be, so we have doctors on standby. I wish you the best." Gregory handed the antidote to Grey.

Grey had a strange feeling that this would be painful. So he got himself comfortable on the bed. Dean helped him add pillows to support his back while he sat down.

Afterward, he took a deep breath and chugged the antidote in one breath. It was a wise decision because the taste was so disgusting, he was about to vomit. It had an indescribable taste. There were not enough words in any dictionary that could describe the taste.

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