Hero Helping... Again? (9)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Difficult was an understatement.

Evelyn was a kind, open-minded, and courageous person with a pure heart and a good sense of justice. She was not ignorant of the ways of the world even if she didn't know how to read and write that well.

What was difficult was trying to cram as much as they could within a month. Everyone, not just Evelyn, was tired of this cram session that lasted a whole month. Grey even had to continue her studies while on the journey to the Demon Continent.

Even so, Evelyn had grown a lot during that time. She wasn't the best at speaking like a polite noble but it was good enough for a month's worth of practice.

She also got along well with Princess Natalia, who became her sparring partner. As for Evelyn falling in love with Princess Natalia... He had only heard from a little birdy that Evelyn confessed to her after falling for her at first sight and was directly rejected by Princess Natalia. That was none of his business though.

On the day Grey, Vincent, and Azul were leaving with the Hero, Grey got caught up at the west entrance of the capital. His parents and brothers were hugging him, crying about how they didn't want to see him go, for him to come back safely, and to finish the Demon King as quickly as possible so that they could see him again.

Grey spent a good hour trying to appease his family. Even Vincent and Azul had to step in and promise to keep Grey safe.

The King and Queen, Azul's parents, as well as Princess Natalia and Crown Prince Zyair, also showed up to wish Azul and Grey luck, but they were overshadowed by the screaming Hansferds who didn't want Grey to leave.

Once Grey's family were assured and coaxed, they finally sent Grey off tearfully.

Grey, Aeneas, Faylan, and Evelyn got into the basic, but high-quality carriage the kingdom provided while Azul and Vincent sat at the front to take turns controlling the horses.

Ren looked out the window once more and said his goodbyes to his family who were waving at him while crying for him to come back soon.

His family was a little messy but he loved them a lot. He could understand Ren's feelings of wanting to go home and how that kept him alive for so long...

"Ren, your family loves you a lot." Evelyn was happy for Grey but a little melancholy that her mom couldn't be there to wish her luck too.

Luckily though, she was able to get a letter from her Mom who wished her well on her journey. She had also given early goodbyes when she made her way to the capital, but having to leave like this really sunk in for her that she was the Hero now and that she and her new friends may not make it back alive.

"Yes... I love them as well. They love me quite a lot and are very overprotective of me. I feel like they still see me as a 6-year-old boy sometimes."

Only Azul and Vincent knew what Grey meant. Vincent felt a little bitter because he knew exactly what Grey had to go through, especially the last few months of being imprisoned. Grey's torture got progressively worse than the other kids in the room. He still didn't know how Grey had survived until he was rescued.

Evelyn didn't notice Vincent or Azul's sour mood. "Our parents will always see us as little kids even if we are all grown up and old just like them." She softly chuckled and then took out the letter that her mom had sent her.

"I hope I can go back soon and see my mum again... We only have each other, so I don't want to leave my mum all alone on the farm."

Grey patted her on the head. "Don't worry. I will make sure we will beat the Demon King and come back to our families. There's a lot more you have to learn, but everything you learn will help you get back to your mother."

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