Spirit Investigator (4)

492 29 0

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


For Nora and Emery, it wasn't their first time helping someone go into the light, but they felt like their job was worth every bit of their time and investment. They didn't make a lot of money doing this, but the feeling of helping someone like this was rewarding for them.

As for Grey, he felt the moment was magical and something that he would remember even after leaving this world.

This was what he did for a living, though it was being portrayed on a larger scale than this. It was the first time he had ever seen the smile of content and peace on a spirit's face as their wishes were fulfilled. Was this how the original souls of each body he went into felt like? Like they got everything they wanted and didn't need anything else? It warmed his soul to see this.

"I wonder where people go when they go into the light," Emery mumbled to himself. He was also a spirit albeit still stuck here, but he couldn't help being curious. He also saw the light just now but he knew he couldn't go in just yet.

Grey looked over at Emery and smiled. "Waiting to reincarnate. There's a bit of a queue, but eventually, they will be reborn once more. Sometimes, they find themselves in another world."

Emery and Nora were surprised that Grey knew what was beyond the light.

"Don't look at me like that, I will have you know, I've already died many times. Of course I know what happens after death."

They knew he had been around for a long time, so they didn't say anything. It made sense though, he had been to so many worlds and lived so many years, so they weren't too surprised.

"Let's get going. We have to report to the agency," Grey said as he shooed the two, one spirit and human, to the car.

Grey didn't look back as he walked to the car behind Emery and Nora. He knew that Mr. Winter was gone and there was no one else there...


The next day, Nora got a phone call from the agency telling her to come as there was someone who wanted to meet her. They also had another case for Emery to look into. Nora left by herself while Emery and Grey stayed behind to look at the details for the next case.

Grey looked at his phone and saw the contents of the case.

A family had bought a two-story house in the suburbs and everything was going well at first. A couple of months into living at said house strange things started to occur. Lights that were on would turn off on their own and vice versa. Doors would open and close, even if the residents could see that there was no one there. Sounds of footsteps and laughter plagued them at night. When people were sleeping, their blankets would get yanked off.

The thing that was the most concerning for the family was that their youngest son could see these spirits, and there was more than one.

Their mission was to find out why these spirits were still in the house and try to help them move on if possible. This was the usual when it came to each case. They just needed to be careful as there were multiple spirits this time around.

"This is the first time we've had to do a case with more than one spirit. Let's be careful." Emery said as he floated behind Grey and read the encrypted email over his shoulder.

"Understood." Grey put the address into his GPS and saw that it was 30 minutes away. Just looking up the address, he could see that the neighborhood was a lot older than most, dating back to the founding of the city. The house they were in was almost 200 years old but it had been through many refurbishments. The layout and style had stayed the same to keep the antique look.

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