Labyrinth (2)

808 32 13

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Looking at Edwin's memories, the labyrinth was at the base of a giant tree surrounded by small mountains. Around the tree, was a bustling city that was built for the sole purpose of exploring the labyrinth. The entrance looked like your typical cavern with lichens growing on the walls, moss around the floor of the entrance, and mushrooms sprouting around there too. Ten feet inside the cavern was a set of stairs that descended into the ground. A closed door was at the entrance with a glowing purple orb next to it.

Behind the door seemed like a different world from the cavern. The natural rock of the cavern disappeared leaving sand-colored brick walls, ceilings, and floors that were unnaturally clean. There was no dust, blood, or even footprints. Grey knew that when a monster was slain, items would drop and the monsters would disappear as quickly as the items came. It was said that the labyrinth took the energy of everything that died in the labyrinth, which was why it lured people and monsters alike inside.

The room they were in was the same. Even the hole they had fallen through had disappeared. It was as though they had appeared in the room suddenly.

Grey checked to see if he had anything useful in his system storage and saw that he didn't, so he went through Edwin's memories to learn from the man. He wanted to learn the healing techniques the people of this world used as they differed from world to world.

There weren't too many differences in this world, but the names of medicinal herbs and how they were processed and made were different. It was interesting though. Alchemists were quite common in this world and they were regarded as pharmacists as they made all sorts of medicines. They worked together with healers, or doctors, to help people.

Anyway, he wasn't much of an alchemist, but healing people was Edwin's specialty. The reason why healing magic and alchemy grew side by side was because of the limitations of healing magic. It was perfect for healing wounds or broken bones, but not enough to save people from poison or illnesses. It was a good balance, unlike some worlds where magic was an all-powerful thing that broke the limits.

After going through Edwin's memories, Micah was the first to wake up out of the others. He rubbed his light brown eyes to wake himself up.

"Doctor Edwin, where are we?" His body hurt a little when he tried to get up. Micah was a pure alchemist who did not know how to defend himself, but he seemed to be the toughest seeing that he was the second to wake up. He wanted to learn how to use the bow, but he felt like he never had the talent, so he didn't say anything. Even though Edwin could see that Micah wanted to learn how to protect himself, he didn't have the heart to force someone who was not willing or ready.

"I'm not too sure myself but we are probably somewhere deep inside the labyrinth." Grey gave a sigh as he helped Micah sit up. It wasn't good to lay for too long, especially in this situation where he didn't know if a monster would notice them in this room. There were no doors to each room, so monsters could come by and look inside. He didn't see any in the hallway, but he was on guard with System 225 the whole time.

While Micah sat up against the wall, Grey finally stretched his limbs. Edwin's body was powerful and better suited for the sword, but his talent in healing magic and knowledge of medicine was the best on the continent. No one could tie him down and they couldn't even use violence as the man was like a one-man army.

One time, the man almost sacrificed his life because he refused to be tied down by some random country that he barely stayed in. Needless to say, the surrounding countries learned the power of this one man.

But this man was pitiful.

He became a doctor in search of a cure for his father who was dying of an unknown disease. When he finally found it in some faraway country, he got news of his father's death. From then on, he traveled the world, spreading his knowledge so that no one would die like his father.

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