Labyrinth (6)

547 31 4

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


After some rest in the restroom, they ascended to the next floor. When System 225 scanned the floor, it showed in the System Map that the entire floor was in the shape of a spiral. In the center, was the staircase to the ascending floor.

The floor was quite large. It coiled around 8 times before it got to the staircase they were at. According to System 225, the distance between this stair and the other one was about 8 hours. It made him wonder how the labyrinth was able to be so big...

There were no traps on this floor nor any signs of monsters, which was concerning. This was the first time this had happened since they got into this labyrinth.

"Let's proceed," Grey said looking at the other party members waiting for his command, "We will proceed with caution and at a constant pace. Stay in formation."

"Also, Lamine, be on the lookout for traps. Don't focus on the presence of monsters."

Lamine replied, "Understood!"

The group began their trek through the spiral floor. They didn't encounter any problems even after walking for 30 minutes. As they passed their first loop, Reyner felt his foot push a button on the floor. A 'click' sound echoed through the corridor, leaving the group unable to figure out where it came from.

'System 225, please check to see what happened.'

[Understood, scanning for anomalies... Grey, get everyone to run soon. There are giant stone balls almost the size of the hallway. You all will get crushed if you don't run now.]

Almost after System 225 finished explaining, they all heard a loud rumbling sound coming from around the corner.

"Everyone, run! Don't look back!" Grey grabbed onto Micah's and Reyner's hands and dashed down the hall. There were no other traps or monsters so he focused on running.

Andrea grabbed Felicia's hand while Genji and Lamine ran on their own. The four looked back and saw a giant stone ball rolling toward them. The floor of the labyrinth shifted slightly, helping the ball turn the corner.

"There's a small room up ahead! We will go there," Grey shouted as he led the group.

Reyner, the full tank build, was being easily dragged down the hall even with his heavy armor. He didn't say much but he knew that Edwin was extremely strong. Reyner may be hard to kill but he definitely was not good at killing.

He was also the slowest member of the group.

Grey, Micah, and Reyner were the first to get into the room. It was one-fourth the size of the safe rooms they had found. With all of them in the room, they wouldn't be able to lay down and relax but it was enough for them to stand and sit in.

Afterward, Genji and Lamine entered the room panting. It seemed they were running with their lives on the line so they didn't say much as they leaned against the wall. Lastly, Andrea and Felicia barely made it in. The stone ball rolled right past the room as soon as they entered.

It wasn't that Andrea was slow but Felicia didn't have enough speed, so she slowed him down. She prioritized power and accuracy rather than power and speed. She vowed to put some stat points into the speed stat once she got out of here alive!

Even though the stone ball went past the room, no one dared to go outside for fear of another one being just around the corner.

"This labyrinth is so crazy, no wonder no one has been past floor 20," Andrea cursed, staring towards the entrance of the room. It was like the creator of the labyrinth was in the doorway and Andrea was cursing to their face. His voice was full of grievances.

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