Trans Idol (4)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille

This chapter is sponsored by: Auralie. Thank you so much for supporting my work and buying two extra chapters! You are amazing :D


At the end of the song, everyone but Sumia clapped loudly for Jaden.

A slight blush went across Jaden's face as he bowed and thanked them. He seemed shy because it was his first time playing for no money, but he used to play in front of people so he didn't seem too unfazed. He was just happy people enjoyed his singing and playing.

"Jaden, I was amazed by your performance and stage presence. It would be an honor to have you in our company, and you would get the best treatment!" Charlotte quickly said as she knew the other two reps would try to snag Jaden away.

"JQ isn't a bad company, but it doesn't compare to all the famous idols that come from our company. At Radiant Entertainment, we will guarantee that you will have the best treatment, the best housing, and the best contract." The number of times Carl said best was kind of weird but you could tell he was quite passionate about his job.

Lawrence shrugged. "These two may be good but they aren't the best. CBStar is number one among the three companies. It's guaranteed that anyone regardless of their contract will have the best resources and highest pay. Jaden, with your talent, you will go far and probably become the king of the entertainment world."

Jaden had already looked at the data for each company. The best of the best may not always be the best, but he couldn't be too cautious.

JQ Entertainment was ranked third in the top 3. The reason it wasn't as famous as the other three was because JQ was only a company made out of pure boredom. They produced many famous models and supermodels, but the company wasn't as big as the founder's original company. The founder was someone who was a cosmetic tycoon who had businesses that dealt with make-up products, plastic surgery, soaps, etc. She was a powerful woman who was once a single mother and then became someone who dominated the industry.

Radiant Entertainment was ranked number two. It wasn't like JQ who had a huge background, but their main focus was with their idols. Idols had the best treatment in their company and though they weren't number 1, most of the famous idols, like the male protagonists' group SNOW, came from them.

Finally, CBStar was number 1 in the entertainment industry. Famous actors, models, and idols were recruited. They didn't put a lot of energy into their idols, but their actors and models were first class. The best movies came from within their walls, the most supermodels were under their contracts, and also, with the tiny amount of idols that they had, they were all very famous, making them the number 1 entertainment company.

In terms of the safety of their employees, JQ was the safest. Sexual harassment was practically nonexistent and the company was female-dominated. There were a few males and they were happy to be there. Though they had much fewer idols and more models, their models and supermodels were all famous. Most girls would die to be in their company because they knew that they didn't have to resort to sexual means to get to the top.

Radiant Entertainment was a bit of a mess. Though their idols were famous, some trainees were forced into prostitution to make sure their more talented peers would be able to rise to the top. If all you had were looks, you would be a trainee until your contract ended, but the scars would never be erased. It was a cruel system and not many people knew what they were getting into until they got there.

CBStar was a grey area. They didn't force anyone, but they allowed people to sleep their way to the top. None of it was forced and was voluntary. It was a little weird, but each party was consenting adults. It just made the competition to be the actual best a little difficult.

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