Famous Author (9)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Everyone was shocked to hear the news about the new author stealing another author's book.

The other author (who remained anonymous) already said that he would not sue James and would even help him in his next step in life. All the proceeds made from the book were immediately sent to charities after the breaking news.

James promptly changed his name and left for the poorest counties of the country. Later, he would create a documentary of his life and how he taught many kids how to read and write. That was a story for another time though.

Seeing the news, Calvin smiled and then turned off his TV. It didn't put a dent in his pocket if he helped James.

He wondered just how far the man would go.

Getting off the couch, he stretched and yawned before going back to his room to change.

He dressed in form-fitting khaki pants and a plain black shirt. He also wore black shoes. He braided his hair and clipped his bangs back. Even though it was a casual look, he still looked handsome.

Calvin was going to go on a "date" with Ian. "Date" because they weren't lovers or partners yet but it was more than just "talking." Ian was still engaged to Valerie. Ian, who was pursuing Calvin, vaguely stated that there were circumstances that made him engaged. It was on this date that he would tell Calvin the reason.

They had been on a few "dates" since their first one. There were also plenty of text messages and calls. The two bonded and Ian was clinging to him more and more. It really reminded him of Damien from the last world. Calvin didn't understand how anyone could stay with someone for so long even though the relationship was never established... At the same time, he was happy that God System was like that. It was a selfish feeling but he wanted more of God System. Of course, he would give his all to the man who loved him so much.

As for Valerie, she was in full pursuit of Lucy. She brought Lucy out to shop, eat, and go to the movies. They read books with one another and lounged around. Valerie texted and called Lucy every day, to the point where they talked to one another almost all day except when they were sleeping or at work. Lucy thought it was just like having a best friend and happily accepted all the invitations when she wasn't working. The two became closer, but for Lucy, it was more admiration than it was love.

Lucy was going on a "date" with Valerie while he was going with Ian. This was their plan. Have Calvin and Lucy separate so that they could confess their love and explain the situation. Calvin already knew but just played along with it. It was obvious from what had happened so far.

He was happy.

But still, every time he closed his eyes, he could see Ian and Damien turning their backs on him and walking out the door.


Calvin and Ian were sitting at a sushi restaurant. Because of his habits from the first world, Calvin still loved sushi and happily ate it.

They were quietly eating their sushi, enjoying one another's company, until Ian decided to break the silence.

"Calvin, I owe you an explanation." Ian put down his chopsticks and sighed.

"Yes, and I am listening." Calvin also followed suit and grabbed his drink. He was waiting. It better be a good explanation for the momentary heartbreak.

"Valerie and I are best friends but we can never see each other as lovers. You see, I am gay and she's lesbian. Valerie can never love a man as I can never love a woman."

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