Artificial Human (7) [Revised]

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille

Also, this chapter was sponsored by: AstridVinclair and two somebodies (who know who they are). Thank you once again for supporting me and my work! 

You are reading the revised chapter. Some content has changed and some has stayed the same. Some comments in later chapters will no longer apply to the chapter since I've made changes. Thank you for always supporting me and I hope the new Arc 5 is a better read for everyone! (This is copied and pasted to all platforms and will be in every chapter).


Keith woke up a day later no longer feeling as though his body was trying to eat itself. Not only did he feel better, but he also felt as if he had gotten stronger. As a soldier, he was ready to test out his new abilities on the battlefield.

Then he realized that the lights above his head did not bother him. Actually, he felt so grateful that he could see the lights again.

He heard the door open and the same man from yesterday walked in with General Le.

"General Le!" Keith scrambled to stand up so that he could salute the man.

"Keith, be at ease. You are a recovering patient." Morgan motioned for Keith to lay back down and then went behind Adam 1 so that Adam 1 could do his job.

The researchers were outside the room constantly monitoring Keith's vitals. If everything went well, they would do their best to mass produce the vaccine and share the good news to everyone.

"Hello, Keith. Do you remember me?" Adam 1 asked. He said things in a monotone voice, but at a very constant pace so that the researchers could record his questions and answers.

"You are Adam 1, yes? Thank you for saving my life." Keith gave a bow as best as he could while he sat in bed. He was grateful to be alive for another day.

"We still have to monitor you for the next few days, so thank us when you are in the clear."

Keith felt at a loss but he knew he was testing the cure so he nodded, "I understand."

After that, Keith answered more of Adam 1's questions like how he felt before and after the treatment as well as how his physical strength was in comparison to how it was now.

From what Adam 1 could conclude, it seemed Keith was alright, actually stronger than ever, but a few days of monitoring might prevent a disaster.

He wondered how it would be if someone with a weaker immune system got bit and was given the treatment. Would it still work? Would it fail? They may never find someone with a weaker immune system because only those who were able to fight off the Z-virus in the beginning of the apocalypse were able to survive this long. Still, they were all things they had to keep in mind.

They had to wait for people to get bit or scratched, but most of the people who got infected were those who were tasked with protecting the base or those who had to retrieve supplies from neighboring cities. There were times they had to go far as well, so those who went had to be stronger than the average person.

"Adam 1, you can leave him to us to monitor."

"Understood. If you need any help, let me know." Adam 1 nodded. Honestly, the researchers were smart, they could probably do everything else on their own. "We will go back first. It's been a long day."

It was only the second day that Adam 1 arrived at the base. All of the researchers knew he was Adam 1, so they didn't say anything.

It was weird to see the artificial human that Dr. Linus and they had created in person. Adam 1 was living and breathing, he also had a mind of his own and was able to adapt to the current situation of the world.

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