Interstellar General (3)

561 27 1

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Over the next week, General Silas felt a lot better but his body was still weak. He didn't question where Grey got his food. He knew it was food from a previous world they were in.

General Silas was able to walk around a little but not for long. The wound on his abdomen was quite large and Grey was afraid that it would open due to physical activity. He was made to eat and sleep while Grey did all of the hard work.

He also didn't ask why the original Grey had followed him to the planet when his mecha malfunctioned. He decided to wait for Grey to bring it up.

During the week, many Zergs came near the cave, looking for food. As "humans," they smelled delicious. He didn't know how the Zergs smelled but they always ended up coming to them.

Grey was able to take them down every time. They didn't have a lot of Zergs in the area, giving Grey plenty of time to rest and take care of General Silas.

"Grey, have you seen any starships in the area?" General Silas asked. It was the first time he had asked this. It could be seen that he wanted to leave this backwaters planet with no people or facilities.

"Not yet. We landed far away from the others, so I'm not surprised it's taking a long time for the rescue team to get here."

The rescue teams had to sweep through multiple planets before getting to them. Being found within two weeks was already a blessing on General Silas' part.

"When we get back, there are some things I would like to investigate." General Silas had a glint in his eyes. He was going through the possible suspects that wanted him dead.

Grey said nonchalantly, "That makes sense. I was never told who threatened my family when they contacted me to kill you, so I would also like to know."

General Silas was going to find out sooner or later, so he thought it was better sooner rather than later.

"I will be sure to capture those people and torture them. Do you remember what the person looked like when he was threatening you?"

The two talked about what Grey could remember and it wasn't a lot. Just one day, someone came to his family's home, beat his parents up, and told them to call him. When the original Grey rushed back home, his parents were begging him to help them.

Their family was poor but when the original Grey got into the military, he helped his father open up a business. A couple of years later, he found out that someone had tricked his father into getting a loan after his business failed. It was doing well at first but that began to change two years after his business started. A series of incidents happened from poisoning to even death. At one point, someone was trying to sue their family for causing the death of a child.

Because their family couldn't pay back the loan, they demanded to see Grey.

The person's words were, "If you don't do this, we will kill you and your family."

When the original reluctantly accepted, he was given a series of instructions to kill General Silas. He was also told of a malfunction that would occur in the General's mecha after the battle with the Zerg Queen. The plan was for him to follow the malfunctioning mecha to a remote planet, and then kill General Silas while he was injured.

"To do it after the battle against the Zerg Queen... This person must have some sort of influence in the political circle." General Silas concluded after hearing Grey's story.

He said this because it was in everyone's best interest to get rid of the Zerg Queen. If it was his half-brother who did this to him, he would be known as the Hero's brother. This would bring up his prestige. If it was anyone else, they would want him to die during or after the battle so that he was no longer a hindrance.

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