Labyrinth (4)

414 24 3

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Lamine, Felicia, and Andrea looked over at the arrows, cold sweat trickling down their backs as they realized most of them could have died with how thick and sharp those arrows were. They were a bit slow, but they were powerful. If Edwin hadn't warned them, it would have been a bloody mess.

"And this is why we don't trust the rooms in this labyrinth," Genji scolded the three newbies of the group, especially Felicia who suggested taking a look inside. Genji had been in quite a few labyrinths around the country and had even helped complete some. He could be seen as a veteran though his level was a bit lower than Edwin's.

Arisa was actually a bit shaken up. She knew that Grey was there to protect her, but one wrong move and she could have lost her head. Acting like Felicia was dangerous. No wonder they had to take her soul and cleanse it.

"Everyone, stick together and be careful," Grey said as he helped Micah and Arisa get up. "Don't let your guard down. Lamine, finding traps is your specialty, but if you don't feel anything, you should let me know. I will double-check since my instincts are faster."

Lamine's detection skill was low, so the lower parts of the labyrinth were able to get past her skills. It would be best for Grey to double-check for her. He also had System 225 who specialized in finding traps. Though System 225 didn't get the chance to tell him, it was good that he reacted fast enough.

"I understand. I apologize for being careless..." Lamine bowed her head to everyone since her actions were what almost got them killed.

Everyone accepted her apology but Andrea, Lamine, and Felicia were on edge for the rest of the floor.

They now knew their safe room was one of a kind in this crazy labyrinth.

The scared members of the party didn't even mention going inside another room after the first room they had encountered. Even if there was a singular treasure chest in the room, they faithfully decided to map the floor out first before doing anything else.

As the party kept moving forward, the hallway began to curve, which was weirdly different from the rest of the labyrinth that was jagged with sharp corners. At the end of the hallway, they found the stairs going downward.

"Alright, you all stay here while I go scout the monsters on the next floor." Grey knew that as long as he was in a party, he could check the other floors without the fear of being led somewhere else. It was the perks of the party system in this world. If they all went together the floor would change, so it was best if only he went.

"Be careful," Micah said as tugged on Edwin's coat, "Get back as quickly as you can, Doctor..."

Grey smiled and patted Micah's head. "I will. Don't worry." After that, he descended the stairs.

When he reached the bottom of the steps, he found that nothing had changed from the previous floor except the layout. There weren't any monsters near the stairway, so Grey walked in deeper.

It was a straight path for a while. Halfway through, Grey stopped in the middle of the hallway and took three steps back. It wasn't a warning from System 225, but his instincts that told him it was dangerous.

Milliseconds later, a trap door in the ground opened up. It was 3 feet wide and 3 feet long. He looked inside the trap and saw spikes at the bottom.

'These traps are kind of slow,' Grey jokingly said but he knew that most people wouldn't be able to react as fast as he did. Most people wouldn't even realize there was a trap and fall to their deaths.

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