Spirit Investigator (7)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille

And here's the last ko-fi of this week! Thank you so much a certain somebody and thisprince for giving me ko-fi for my birthday last week! :D I love yall so much and I appreciate you supporting me and my work. I hope you two enjoyed the two extra chapters.


Ever since Shamir woke up from his coma, he had dreams of Grey and himself. They lived so many lives together. He felt it was normal that he was regaining these memories as he had also done the same in the previous world.

This world was a little different though. He remembered something strange.

He didn't know what his body looked like, but he was surrounded by a lot of people. They were like robots though. Even though he knew they were not, he didn't understand why they were calling themselves by "System" with a number at the end.

He couldn't hear his own name though, it was blocked out, but he knew he had an important role as he was commanding everyone.

It made Shamir wonder who he really was, and who his lover, Grey, was. It was strange but he had no one to talk to. He didn't know if he should ask Grey because he was afraid that Grey would think he was crazy.

Did Grey also remember his past lives with him?

As he was sitting on his bed and thinking to himself, Grey walked in. It was a coincidence though as Grey wanted to see Shamir.

"Shamir, I'm back, did you miss me?" Grey said with a cheeky smile. Emery was behind him pretending that he was a wallflower as he didn't want to be the third wheel.

Shamir nodded. He wanted to get up but his body was still weak. "I missed you a lot."

"I probably missed you even more!"

Grey sat on the chair next to Shamir's bed and held out his hand. Holding hands was the most Shamir could do at the moment, so Shamir placed his hand in Grey's and felt content. He kneaded the man's hand and couldn't help but give it a soft pinch.

Shamir brought his soft pinches to this world as well. Grey couldn't help but feel a bit warm in the spots that Shamir touched.

"Grey, can I ask you something?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"Do you... believe in reincarnation?"

Grey immediately knew that Shamir was having dreams of their past lives together.

"I do believe in reincarnation. It seems you have started to remember some of our time together, right?"

Shamir was a bit shocked that Grey immediately knew what he was talking about but now he didn't feel like he was going crazy.

"Thank goodness it's not just me who is remembering it."

"Do you remember everything or is it bits and pieces like in our past life?"

"I feel I remember more than what I did in our last life but not everything."

"I see, that's good though. Take your time Shamir. In every world, you will remember more and more until you remember everything so don't rush yourself alright?"

"Hmm, I will remember that. Thank you, Grey." Shamir couldn't help but loosen the grip he had on Grey's hand. It seemed he was more anxious in asking than he thought. There was one thing he wanted to talk about but he didn't know how to say it.

"I also remember something but I don't know if I should talk about it. I feel as if I shouldn't talk about it with people here." He looked over at Emery who was floating by the window.

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