Artificial Human (4)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille

This is bonus chapter 2/3!


It didn't take long for Adam 1 to get the results he wanted. His blood was so omnipotent, he could sit there for years and find a cure for every disease and illness just by using his blood. It was honestly terrifying to see how powerful a drop of his blood could be. He could only wonder how those researchers were able to create Adam 1...

His train of thought was interrupted when he saw that his third attempt at the serum was finally showing some good results. There was a zombie sitting in the isolated room obediently. He could see the rotting wounds on the zombie slowly close up, and his skin gaining some color. The dull look in its eyes slowly gained some life, as though the person's original consciousness had come back. They probably didn't come back, but he couldn't help but wonder who was inside the zombie now.

The zombie, now the new human species that should be given a name, but he wasn't the best at giving names... He would figure it out later.

The new human species stood up and stretched. He gave a yawn like he had just woken up from a long and nightmarish sleep, making him seem like a tired house cat.

Seeing that, Adam 1 entered the room. The moment he walked in, the "man" stood up straighter, as if he was in the presence of his superior. He didn't say anything but he looked at Adam 1 with eyes of admiration and loyalty.

"Can you speak?" Adam 1 asked with a tablet in his hand.

The "man" opened his mouth to try to say something but only grunts came out.

"Do you remember your time as a human?"

The "man" tilted his head because he didn't understand. He was confused.

Adam 1 paused for a moment but then thought of a good idea. 'Can you speak to me through telepathy?' This was an ability he was capable of doing and he could contact all the zombies and Ability Users of his choice. He also had a hive-mind function. Very convenient.

'I speak. Am hungry.'


'What do you want to eat?'

'I don't know?'

Adam 1 wrote down that the zombie was hungry but didn't have an idea of what he could eat. It would be good to note that he would have to find food for them to eat... He had to pick up a bunch of stuff and see what was good for them and what wasn't. He knew it was going to be a long process.

It was also interesting to see that the zombie was capable of speaking broken sentences even though it had no recollection of being "human."

Adam 1 couldn't help but ask, 'Do you know why you are here?'

'No? I don't know?'

Was it amnesia? It was probably best to see if System 225 could analyze this "man" in front of him.

'System, can you check to see if there is a soul within this man?'

[Of course, Host. You must touch him for me to take a look.]

'Alright.' Adam 1 put his hand on top of the "man's" shoulder. The "man" just looked at him and didn't say anything. He didn't move, just waited for orders.

[Analyzing body for possible soul... *Chirp Chirp* Soul detected. Analyzing soul abnormalities...]

Hearing that, he took his hands away from the "man." The "man" tilted his head again just a bit to show he was confused.

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