Prince of Acting (3)

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Edited by: Kuro, Lille, and Nyxx


"Alec, get up, you have a photoshoot today." The man said with a deep, gentle voice. Usually, Alec was up by the first nudge, but for some odd reason, he was sleeping quite deeply.

Alec, who finally woke up, groaned before sitting up. His hair stuck up in many directions because he had fallen asleep with his hair wet. When he yawned, tears hung on his long lashes, threatening to fall. His dark brown hair shined an array of colors from red to light brown to even blonde. His hair only got like this when natural sunlight hit his hair.

Alec, oblivious to his manager staring at him, looked up and tilted his head. "I thought I had the morning off."

Damien thought Alec was being really cute lately. Alec's face was the usual expressionless face, but his eyes easily read: Confused, tired, lazy, wanna sleep.

He gave a soft chuckle. "Sorry, but the director ordered this. The photo shoot is for EverLasting Bloom. You will be taking pictures with the Light Prince Stephan and the famous Rising Star Kyle."

While Stephan played the role of Crown Prince, Rising Star Kyle was playing the Crown Prince's trusted Knight and Knight Commander. The two were very close in the show and had to interact a lot. This also made Stephan fall for Kyle.

"Photoshoot?" Alec tilted his head to the side trying to think of this memory from the original. He could kind of recall, but it was difficult. He was probably just too tired. He had other movies and shows he acted in, as well as modeling. Everlasting Bloom was his biggest project though.

He yawned again before getting up and stumbling his way to the bathroom. His tired figure slammed into the door of the bathroom. He blinked for a couple of seconds before finally opening the door.

Alec, the host, was not a morning person at all.

This baffled Damien. Did Alec wake up on the wrong side of the bed? He was usually a lot better at masking his tiredness. Now, all his emotions could be read through his eyes and body language. He didn't have to even move his facial muscle to express his emotions.

Why did he feel that Alec was much cuter lately? How many times did he have to ask himself that?

Anyway, his job as Alec's manager was to wake him up, make sure he ate, tell him his schedule, and essentially be his voice. Alec wasn't good at speaking with others or at self-care so Damien became more like a nanny than a normal manager. With the way Alec grew up, it was no wonder that he didn't see the need to take care of himself.

Alec's adopted parents had tried for years to warm his heart but it was no use. Still, they loved him just like their own. But they were busy, often going overseas for work, and left poor Alec alone a lot.

Damien hoped that Alec would find that special someone who could change and take care of him. He didn't know if he could take care of this man forever, though the thought sounded nice to him.

"Damien, I'm ready to go." Alec broke his train of thought.

Damien looked over to see Alec's usually expressionless face but he seemed more awake. His hair was now tamed and he wore casual clothing, easy to change out of.

"Hmmm, let's get you a light breakfast before the photo shoot."


Damien had a strange thought. If he weren't there, no one else would take care of this poor child who could barely feed himself. He felt that it was more than ever his responsibility to protect this precious being.

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