Shadow Guard (8)

530 26 9

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


After a week of preparations, Prince Cecil and Grey had gotten news of the Associations' assassins coming their way. They would attack at night when Prince Zachary was asleep. The assassins were ordered to kill everyone in the mansion regardless of their gender or age. In the end, they had to burn the whole estate to the ground with everyone and everything inside it.

"It seems he has derailed," Grey mumbled to himself. In the original timeline, he didn't kill and burn like this. The assassins' original orders were to only kill Prince Zachary.

Prince Cecil sneered. "It seems eldest brother had become angry that nothing was going his way."

Prince Zachary was in shock, unable to utter a word or even move. No one had ever hated him this intensely. He was always kind and gentle to everyone around him regardless of their social status. He just wanted to be a painter. It was the only way he knew how to spread his compassion and love, but there was someone who wanted him dead just because of his identity as a Prince. He didn't want this title nor did he want this blood, why didn't his brother understand that?

"Your Highness, it is the fault of your brother's identity, which is why he wants you dead."

The two princes looked over at Grey in confusion.

"His identity?" Prince Zachary asked, still confused.

Prince Cecil looked at the file in Grey's hands. It seems he had finished investigating Prince Levi and finally decided to say something.

"That's correct. Prince Levi is actually not the son of Emperor Emeron, nor is he even remotely blood-related to anyone in this continent."


"Ah, he is a Prince of the Liyas Empire, isn't he?" The quick-thinking Prince Cecil immediately understood.

Looking over at Prince Zachary, it looked like he was having difficulty putting all the information together.

"That's correct, Master. When the Empress gave birth to the real Prince Levi, a couple of days later, the LiyasGwhi Empire had switched the real Prince Levi with the current one, whose real name was once Prince Javir. The whereabouts of the real Prince Levi are unknown."

"And that bastard has known about this?"

"Of course. He had been told from a young age who he really was and his grand purpose. Even though he was a 'Prince', his mother was a maid who looked like the Empress of Uferna. She was raped by the Emperor of Liyas and then shipped to the Uferna Empire. Though she had already passed, Prince Levi still has several people around him who are from and in contact with the Liyas Empire."

Prince Cecil sneered as he heard that and looked through the file that Grey had just handed him. It was more detailed in the file, but reading it made him even more disgusted.

"After this is done, look for our real older brother. He must be here, somewhere."

"Understood, Master."

Even he and System 225 didn't know where the real First Prince was since he wasn't a part of the actual story. He could only hope that he was still alive somewhere in the Empire. If he wasn't in the Empire, it was very likely he wouldn't be able to find him. System 225 didn't have those kinds of cheats anyway.

System 225 didn't have a lot of system cheats. The only thing he could do was tell 18 the world plot and story, stalk the main characters of those worlds, and hold his stuff. There wasn't a system store or a place to learn skills, so Grey was mostly working with his effort.

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