To Be King (7)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille

This was the second week of the Ko-fi goal that was completed by 917brat and the other ko-fi supporter (anon)! Please enjoy this chapter, the third extra, and the one I will be posting right after this one! Please thank them again for donating to complete the goal (twice)! :D <3 thank you so much for your support of me and my story.


Queen Meredith and Consort Ceanna were sitting in a room in the secret passageway that linked their two castles. The place was built just before they decided to act against Prince Ameer's mother, Consort Fiona Blythe.

Queen Meredith was in charge of finding the "cursed potion", while Consort Ceanna was in charge of administering it to Consort Fiona. They had made a magic contract. If anyone violated the terms of the contract, they would die the next day.

This kept the two of them in a tight hold, bound to one another even if they hated each other. Even so, they had a good relationship, even frequently using the space together.

In the secret passageway, there was a main pathway that led from one hidden door to another. Then there were three minor hallways that branched out from the main one. They were slightly smaller in size and blocked by a door.

In each smaller hallway, there was only one room. It was like a maze though, with many dead ends and open areas that led to nowhere. In total, there were three rooms. The first room, the one closest to the main castle, was the one where they held secret meetings. It had a wooden table surrounded by four wooden chairs. The second room was where they had hidden the forbidden alchemy book that held the recipe for the "cursed potion" as well as the antidote for it. It was locked in a chest in the middle of the room. It had a special lock on it. There were also other items in the room like the contract, letters that could not be burned, and things of that nature. Everything in that room could incriminate them. They planned to get rid of everything in there the moment Ameer died.

As for the last room, it was an empty room that was used to torture people. Currently, there was no one being tortured so it was spotless.

Currently, Queen Meredith, her most trusted servant, a maid who had followed her from childhood to her present position, and Consort Ceanna along with her own trusted servant, were in the meeting room.

The two maids were not sitting. They were standing behind their respective masters, pretending they didn't exist.

"Do you think he's bluffing?" Consort Ceanna asked, grinding her teeth in anger.

Every time she saw Ameer, she wanted to rip his head off so that he could join his mother in the afterlife.

Queen Meredith sighed while rubbing her temples. Her aura felt completely different from her innocent look. Her face was twisted in anger. "He might be, but knowing him, he may be acting on information he was given. Even though we killed most of the people involved, there were a couple that got away..."

"Those bastards." Consort Ceanna sneered thinking about the two maids who disappeared without a trace.

"If we increase the guards around the hidden entrance, it's just giving it away that there's something hidden in the area. Let's keep some people hidden in the shadows."

"I agree, Your Majesty... Next time, I will be sure to kill those two rats polluting the Royal family."

The two women looked at each other in agreement and didn't speak anymore. They nodded to one another and went back to their residences.

In a world where men saw women as their property, they could only come and band together, even if it meant killing innocent people to secure their safety.

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