Famous Author (7)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


There were a couple more days until his dinner date with Ian, so he decided to write something he had never written before. He didn't know if he was going to publish it but it was on his mind, so he wanted to at least get it down on paper or on his computer.

He wanted to write a narrative poem and turn it into a book. There were six sections to this poem book: Searching, Childhood, Family, Flying, Journey, and finally, Empty. There were a dozen or so poems in each section talking about the above-mentioned topics. They told a story in the form of poems.

"Searching" was about a man who realized he couldn't feel happiness like normal people, so he decided to go on a journey even with his lack of experience.

"Childhood" was a glimpse into his life as a child and showed the environment he grew up in.

"Family" was talking about how those burdens his family caused him latched on, holding on to him tightly even though he tried to run away from them.

"Flying" talked about how he compared happiness to birds and the emotions he felt as he searched. But to him, he was like a lost bird who couldn't find his way home, like how he couldn't find happiness no matter how far and wide he searched.

"Journey" showed how far and wide he had to roam only to realize that he didn't tell anyone about his journey. He only listened to the words of others when searching but realized that no one, not even himself, had even heard of the progress he had made. In the end, he truly felt alone in a world that didn't know his name.

Lastly, "Empty" talked about how he felt even if he didn't want to feel empty. A journey without a destination, a journey with no end, and a journey where no one knew who he was or where he went. He felt empty.

He wasn't following all of the rules of poem writing, he was just writing as he felt would flow better in his mind. That was why he probably wasn't going to publish it, but he enjoyed doing it. Calvin's love for writing was shown regardless of the style. He felt happiness putting words together and giving them meaning.

The narrative poem was called The Pursuit of Happiness. A lot of poets disdain those who write about the intangible, like happiness and love, as they were used up topics, but this poem wasn't just talking about happiness. It was talking about the life of someone he had once lived as.

There was a body that Calvin (the Host) had once occupied, named Yori, who was obsessed with finding his happiness, but it was difficult because happiness was intangible and had no real definition. It was different for each person, and even then it could be difficult to identify when one hadn't been exposed to it.

Yori was a cold man who had never felt emotions. He was never given the chance. Never loved or had given love. Never felt it. As he grew older, he realized his emotions couldn't fluctuate no matter what he did. The only thing he felt was yearning and envy. Could that be considered happiness? Anger? Or sadness? What was the categorization of yearning and envy?

It drove him nuts.

He did extreme sports, went to dangerous places, and saw the world, but his world continued with the same shade of grey.

He tried to find people to have flings with, tried to dance the night away, tried to drink until he couldn't move, he tried everything he could think of. There wasn't a single hobby or career that could change his stagnant mood. Nothing to ripple the waves on the lake called his heart. Nothing to splash color into his grey world.

He grew jealous of those who could feel what he wanted, happiness. Why couldn't he feel it? If he could feel envy and jealousy, he could obviously feel other things right?

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