Famous Author (11)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Before the weekend dinner at Valerie's parent's house, Ian, Calvin, Lucy, and Valerie went out to celebrate.

They wanted to celebrate for a few different reasons. The first one was for a happy coming out; the second was for Lucy getting into Med School as she passed the vigorous exam; the third was for Ian and Calvin officially dating; the last reason was for the release of Calvin's new book, I'd Do Anything for You.

They wanted to have this celebration with just the four of them. It was a special day filled with happiness and joy. They ate at a random fancy Meditarrian-style restaurant and ordered to their heart's content.

"In honor of this special day that we are moving along in our journeys together, let's cheer for more successful things to come our way!" Valerie started off the toast.

"Cheers!" The four tap their glasses of wine together at the center of the table.

In the future, there would be many celebrations like this, just the four of them together.


Mrs. and Mr. Dubois, and Mrs. and Mr. Perez were standing excitedly near the entrance of the Dubois house. It was decided that they would eat at the Dubois house because Mrs. Dubois made amazing food.

The parents were neighbors, which was how they got to know one another long ago. Their kids had a lot of playdates due to this. Even though they had high-paying jobs and busy lifestyles (besides Mrs. Dubois), they always made their kids priorities in their life. They also helped each other out. It was why Ian and Valerie grew up in very loving families.

It was the total opposite of Calvin and Lucy. It was funny how opposites attract in this way, but it was also why Ian didn't grow up to be as cold as Damien. Calvin found it interesting how the environment can affect how they were, even with the same soul.

Ian picked up Calvin, and Valerie picked up Lucy. They arrived at the same time. They were all wearing casual clothing, matching with a black and white color scheme. Most would get annoyed that they were matching, but they were best friends at this point, so it was like coming in as a squad more than anything.

When they entered the house, they were greeted by four beautiful people Calvin assumed were Ian and Valerie's parents. They wore expensive brand clothing but somehow seemed comfortable.

"Welcome to our lovely home," Mrs. Dubois said as she hugged and kissed her daughter and Ian's cheeks. She then greeted Calvin and Lucy with a hug as well.

"Thank you for having us." Lucy and Calvin said, accepting the hug. They weren't used to this kind of affection from strangers but they knew they had to if they were going to be with Ian and Valerie for many years to come.

Mr. Dubois said as he escorted them all through their home, "My wife cooked us a wonderful dinner, so let's head over to the dining room and get to know one another. We will give you two a tour of our home some other time."

When they got to the dining room, Mrs. Dubois went to the kitchen with Lucy and they started to put all the food on the large circular table. The eight-person table was instantly filled with food. There was French-like cuisine like ratatouille and duck confit. Each person had a glass of wine and a glass of water. In this world, he didn't know too much about the country where these foods were from, but they seemed similar to the food from another world he had once been to.

Calvin sat to the left of Ian while Mrs. Perez was on Ian's right. Mr. Perez sat next to Mrs. Perez as well as Mr. Perez. Next to Mr. Perez was Mr. Dubois, then Mrs. Dubois, Valerie, and finally Lucy who also sat next to Calvin. Everyone felt it was a lot more intimate sitting in a circle instead of on a rectangle table.

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