Dystopia (10)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


With the help of System 225, Grey and Elio were able to communicate.

On the 12th day, System 225 relayed a message from Elio.

Elio wanted them to get ready to welcome Kai and his spacecrafts into XU239. They were close and would be arriving in a couple of hours.

This gave Grey and System 225 to prepare for what they were going to do.

When the time arrived, System 225 completely took over the entire network of XU239.

Every electronic device had Grey and Cyan's face on it.

"Hello everyone, my name is Valen..." He looked over at Cyan so he could introduce himself.

Cyan understood the look and nodded his head. "And my name is Cyan. I am Valen's husband."

Grey was the one who did the talking in this case as well. For the people who knew Cyan, they knew he wasn't much of a talker, so it was best to have it this way. Grey also teaches, so he felt he would be the best option in explaining everything in a way people could understand.

"This may seem like a surprise to everyone, but we need you to listen to us. Every year, different natural disasters and viruses plague our city, taking the lives of many loved ones. And the culprit of all of this is our city's 'Lord'.

"Before anyone yells in protest, please take a look at these videos. Afterward, you may voice your opinions. What I will show you is the horrors that our city's so-called 'Lord' has subjected us to for hundreds of years.

"Has no one questioned why we experience tornadoes and earthquakes every year? Why there are different viruses that seem to come out of nowhere? Why are we constantly being monitored through cameras and microphones? And what if we say or do something we shouldn't? Have you ever wondered what happens to us?

"Today, all of these questions that you may have thought of will be answered. Take a deep breath, and watch and listen to how these people, our city's 'Lord' really think of us."

Everyone in the city stopped what they were doing, watching the nearest screen. After hearing his speech, there were many people who whispered their opinions. Some wanted to know the answer to those questions, some people were brainwashed, blindly worshiping the Lord of the city. Lastly, there were others who honestly hadn't considered anything about their daily life. They were content with what they had even if some areas of their lives were restricted. For them, they thought it was for their safety.

If Grey was right, if their safety was not their motive, then they would also rebel against the Lord.

What people wanted the most for their lives were stability and safety. A roof over their heads, food on their table, and a stable job were what most people asked for. Take that away and eventually, people would fight for a better quality of life.

At Grey's cue, System 225 played a compilation of videos starting from what happened to the people after they died, to the conversations between the scientists.

There were four clips that stood out the most for the people of XU239. The first was the scene of their loved ones' bodies being transferred to a facility, their organs taken out, and their bodies thrown into mass graves after they were only left with their brains and bodies.

The second was the one where the scientist laughed at them for being stupid and mentioned that they, XU239, were being farmed just like cattle.

The third clip was where the scientists had discussions about building materials, what was useless and what was useful, and even the vaccines they had to take every year.

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