Leaving the Villain System (5)

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Edited by: Nyxx


[Host, can you hear me?]

A voice filled his head, prompting him to open his eyes.

A bright light shined, and he found himself in a familiar room. The room was all white with a desk in the middle. A giant crystal ball sat on top of it. Upon closer inspection, a beautiful cluster of stars circulated the orb. Looking closer, trillions of small worlds could be seen. A small portion of the sphere was covered by a thick fog that was spreading world by world. It was a slow process, but it was spreading. The more it spread, the bigger it would grow. Like parasites leeching off the host, sucking up all the resources until the host died, that's what the fog was doing.

"What is going on with the UniOrb?" The Host couldn't help but mumble out loud. He knew about the UniOrb from when he first started as the Host. All Hosts went through the same spiel about the Systems, Command Center, the UniOrb, and what it meant to be a Host.

[Host, the creator of the Villain System, uses the Systems and Hosts to take control of the UniOrb.]

The Host looked around to find the voice source and saw a small boy half his height. He had short brown hair and gold eyes. His face was blank and stiff as if his face was not capable of expressions. Frozen in time, but somehow his soft, light pink, almost nude color lips moved. He wore a simple white gown and had no shoes. The small boy barely had an aura, making it feel as if he were not real.

[Host, it's been a long time. I am System 225.]

The Host was frozen stiff. He didn't know if he should run or stay calm. He knew that System 225 probably dragged him out of the Villain System, but could he really trust System 225?

[I won't move from my spot, so won't you please listen to me?]

The Host nodded and took a couple of steps back. He was comfortable at this distance.

[Host, I apologize for everything that has happened.] System 225 started to explain. [As you were helping the poor souls, another System hacked into the command center and took over.]

[We, the other systems, and I tried our best, but slowly, we lost control of ourselves. Seeing the dire situation, the rest of us teamed up to get God System out of the command center. We were almost successful until that System attacked God System. God System was launched into the UniOrb, but we do not know if the God System is safe. I only saw the injured God System forcefully leaving before they took over my System.

[I heard your pleas for help, I heard you begging to leave]

He was silent, listening intently.

[I saw you go through the Villain System, for hundreds, no. For thousands of years. But, all I could do was helplessly watch you suffer. But your voice was the only thing that kept me from giving up on you. It took me a really long time, but I was finally able to find the loophole in that System's 'Villain System' sequence. I was able to detach us, and this space from the Command Center. Then I reached out to you.]

The Host was silent. It was shocking to hear that System 225 actually listened to his pleas, but he was at a loss. He didn't know how much he should believe or if he could even believe System 225 at all.

[I know you are still wary of me, but take a look at the UniOrb. This fog is a byproduct of the Villain System. Once a System and Host are planted on to the world, it will slowly leech all the energy. The process is prolonged as the Worlds will retaliate, but the only way to expel this fog is to eliminate it in its entirety. Even just a speck of that fog will allow it to expand and grow.]

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