Famous Author (1)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


After a very long sleep, the Host woke up feeling refreshed. He had some eye boogers at the corners of his eyes, so he wiped them off and looked for System 225.

System 225 was sitting in the same position the Host last saw him in. Sensing that Host had woken up, System 225 opened his eyes and smiled. "Welcome back, Host."

"Hmm." The Host was still half asleep and System 225 knew that he was not a morning person.

After the Host fully woke up, System 225 got up.

[Host, how are you feeling?]

"I am still a little sad about parting with Damien, but I am excited to go to the next world knowing that I have a 99% chance of meeting God System again."

[I am glad you are doing alright, Host.]

"You better tell me right away if I encounter God System, alright? You gotta promise me and not leave me in the dark as you did before."

[I promise I will, Host!]

"Alright, let's go to the next world."

The Host put his hand on the small orb and closed his eyes. He felt himself being hoisted away, before finally settling down.

When he opened his eyes once more, he was surrounded by a sea of books.


The Host was lying on a bed. He looked around to see that there were books all over his bed, the floor, in the shelves, in piles up against the walls. The only walking space was to the door, to the closet, and then to his bathroom. His bed was up against the right wall of the master bedroom. It was a king-sized bed but he didn't have much else on it (except for the books). Just black sheets, a fluffy blanket, and a pillow for his own needs.

The original body didn't sleep with anything but his boxers, even on the coldest of days. The Host sat up and yawned. He could feel that his long hair was all over the place, looking like a wind storm blew his hair around in the middle of the night. The original probably went to bed with his hair wet.

His eyes felt stuffy and swollen, probably from crying all night. The Host had a headache from what he assumed was dehydration. All in all, the Host felt like he just woke up after a long night of crying.

'System, can I get the data for this world?'

[*Chirp chirp* Of course, Host! Transferring data now.]

A surge of information flooded into his mind once more. He didn't even know how to express his thoughts about the plot.

The original body was a novelist who had his new book stolen by his editor, James Kurt. James became quite famous for the book, quit his job at the company, joined a different one, and became a best-selling novelist. Through a series of ups and downs, he also got together with his editor, the female lead, and the two were quite happy with one another.

On the other hand, the original, Calvin Scott, had his big debut with his first novel series, Zeonia. The series, a Trilogy, sold millions of copies, digitally and physically, worldwide. It was turned into a movie and then a TV show. It was even translated into multiple languages. With such a good turnout, his fans were worried as to why he hadn't published a new book or series.

Calvin, who had his novel stolen, was sulking in his room for years. With no evidence of James stealing his novel, he gave up on even trying to sue the man. Oddly, he even forgave James. Even if he did want revenge, Calvin believed no one would believe him (which to the Host was utter bullshit but the plot is a plot).

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