Spirit Investigator (1)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille

This chapter was sponsored by a collective effort of Nikki and two somebodies. One amazing somebody dropped 30 dollars worth of Ko-fi so thank you sooo much for your kindness and support! Love you all my Grandchildren! This is 1 out of 2 extra chapters so enjoyyyy.


The Host regained consciousness in an abandoned house. He was standing in the living room of the house with a spirit floating in front of him.

"My name is Cameron Winter. This was my home before it was set on fire and I was trapped inside." The spirit's skin was peeling off. It looked scary, but the Host was not scared of him. "Even though I was burning, I think the smoke was the thing that killed me first."

Cameron Winter did not know how it happened, but somehow, he was the only one in the house when his house was set to flames. His wife and children were out and were able to avoid the crisis. He wanted to know what happened to him, whether it was deliberate or if it was just a simple mistake like leaving a candle lit and accidentally knocking it over. He felt like he could not rest until he found out! He didn't know why but he was really obsessed with finding out.

Though the Host couldn't see the world plot, he didn't panic. He listened to the man's story without saying a word before looking around.

"I will help you find the cause of this fire, but what happens if it is something quite disturbing?"

Like if his wife planned it or something, but he didn't say it out loud.

"That's fine, I just need to know." His lingering attachment to this world was that he was obsessed with finding out why.

After that, the spirit disappeared from sight. It seemed that even the ghosts of this world had a recovery period when they used their powers too much.

When the Host got to his car, he didn't leave the driveway. He just closed his eyes and asked System 225 to send him the world plot.

[Understood, Host, sending world plot... now.]

The Host was currently on a mission sent to him by an agency. He was sent to check the abandoned house that was said to be haunted.

The house was abandoned and no one wanted to fix up the burned-down house. It could be seen that the wife was in too much grief to live in a house where her husband had died, but it was also because of the spirits or ghosts of this world.

This world had a thin veil between the realm of the living and the dead, so it wasn't too rare for people to see these ghosts.

The host was in the body of a man named Emery Hadi. He didn't know his real parents, but he had an adopted family. His adopted family lived right next door to Nora Labelle, the female protagonist of this world. The two had something in common which was why they were best friends. They both could see spirits.

The two were university students. Emery lived with his adoptive parents while Nora lived alone. Emery was over at her house most of the time though, so he contributed to her rent just a bit. He wanted to lift some of the burdens off her shoulders.

Anyway, they spent a lot more time helping spirits than they did at school.

Spirits and demons roamed the realm of the living. Spirits were souls who lingered in the mortal realm, while demons were those who were evil in their mortal life and were condemned to roam the earth, never living in peace as they were tortured to live through suffering day in and day out. Because of the thin veil between the land of the living and the land of the dead, many spiritual people awakened and were made to help guide those with lingering attachments to move on beyond the light.

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