Spirit Investigator (3)

605 27 3

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Emery and Nora felt better after getting all the information they could from Grey. Grey seemed to have an answer to everything like why Emery was in spirit form and why he could only talk with Nora while holding hands with Grey.

All humans had an energy source. When they died, the spirit would consume that energy and use it to reincarnate. If they were attached, they used that energy to interact with the environment around them. As for Emery, Grey had all of his energy, so he needed to hold Grey's hand to have the energy flow to him as well.

Emery and Nora felt they could trust Grey.

After the long talk, Grey, Emery, and Nora finally began talking about the "mission" they were sent on.

"The spirit is named Cameron Winter. He is trapped in that house and does not know how the fire in his house started. He is obsessed with wanting to know what had happened back then." Grey said as he sat at the computer. He was ready to do some research on what the news had to say. Also, he thought it would be best if he located the wife and the two children.

Emery remembered going to that house before getting teleported back to his room. "When I was searching the house, I noticed something strange. I don't know if the investigators saw it, but it looked like there were oil trails going around the first floor of the house."

The second floor was no more since it was burned to the ground, but the first floor showed that there was once a house in that place.

Nora was writing this all down in her journal as she felt it was easier to burn paper than to delete something off the internet. "So you are saying that this could be a homicide?"

"It was ruled out as a suicide." Grey brought up the news articles and statements from the police. "There was even a written letter conveniently outside the house that stated his reasons for not wanting to live anymore. Also, in his will, he gave all of his assets to his wife and left nothing for his two children."

"Ah, then this is definitely a homicide and someone wanted him dead." Nora connected all the dots together quite quickly. "Quite odd for a father to not leave anything for his children or even give his money to charities. How did no one find this suspicious?"

Emery, the brains of the group, gave his hypothesis. "Someone probably fabricated a lot of the information and suppressed the media to make sure they didn't give suggestive comments. The person who planned and executed this is probably very rich or they have a rich backer."

Grey, with the help of System 225, hacked into phone records, social media followings, etc. but found no connections to someone with that amount of influence.

"From the looks of it, Mr. Winter didn't have any sorts of contacts, not even through his job. He was an office worker with no titles. He made a consistent paycheck though, so his family's income was very stable if they didn't include how the wife spent her money. We will have to investigate his wife and children to see who they have been talking to and if any of their friends or partners had something to do with this."

Emery was looking over Grey's shoulder and quickly scanned through all the documents that were being brought up. He was impressed by Grey's speed and accuracy. As a hacker himself, Grey's skills were on par or even greater than his. "I think the wife is pretty suspicious. Even though there was 'evidence' that it was a 'suicide' she didn't mention anything about trying to help her husband get through it, nor were there any records of him going to therapy."

Though it was too early to confirm these suspicions, there was just too much evidence pointing toward the wife.

"Alright, I will go searching for more information on the wife. Nora, can we leave it to you to go and try to talk to the wife and kids and see what you get? Make sure you record everything but be discreet about it."

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