Spirit Investigator (5)

486 28 4

Edited: Kuro and Lille


Grey and Emery arrived at the hospital just behind Mr. Alston. Mr. Alston helped Grey get a visitor's pass and guided him to his son's room on the 7th floor. The pediatrics ward was full for some odd reason, so Mr. Alston's youngest son, Jace Alston, was in a ward with mostly adults.

Apparently, with children being the ones who could see spirits the most, they were the ones to be injured more often. The pediatrics section was always full and they were waiting for the new section of the building to be completed, that was why many children filled the adults' section.

As Grey walked through the hallway, he was about to pass by a room but felt the need to stop. The presence was familiar, the feeling of someone he was yearning for.

He looked into the room and saw a man standing by the window, looking into the hall. He couldn't see the person on the bed, but the spirit by the window was also looking at him as though they recognized each other after a long parting.

The man looked like he was in his mid-twenties, in the middle of his career, but his life was cut short. He had red hair and a bit of freckle on his face, but he had piercing green eyes. A relatively rare combination of colors as red hair and green eyes were recessive genes. He looked handsome and tall, but it was hard to tell as he was floating.

"Grey?" "Mister?" Emery and Mr. Alston said at the same time. Mr. Alston couldn't hear Emery like Grey could, but he still answered them.

"I just thought I saw someone I knew." Grey turned away from the man. "Let's keep going."

"Ah, as I was saying, Jace is a bit shy when it comes to talking with adults, so I hope that you will be a bit patient with him. Ever since moving into that house, he's been too terrified to talk with people who are living..."

It was a weird combination of words, but with a world like this, it was no surprise to the adults that there were spirits. They believed their children because there was even a whole government agency that helped these ghosts.

"That's fine, I won't rush or yell at him."

"That's a relief. Ah, here we are." Mr. Alston stopped in front of room 709, five rooms away from where he had stopped before. The door was closed, so he knocked on the door and called out, "Honey, it's me."

The door clicked open and Mrs. Alston gave a sigh of relief. "I was worried that something happened to you because you took so long." She was about to let him in but then she saw Grey and stopped.

"This is?"

"Ah, this is Agent Emery from the Spiritual Light Agency. He is a Spiritual Investigator and wants to talk with you and Jace about what we have been experiencing in the house."

"Oh, thank goodness someone from the agency came. Please, come in." She was also expecting them and was clearly anxious to let them in.

Grey came inside to find three chairs surrounding a bed. There was a bedside table above the bed as Jace was coloring with his non-dominant hand. He didn't mind that his coloring was ugly and continued to color despite going out of the lines.

Emery floated inside and looked at the coloring book. "Oh, nice coloring kid."

"Thanks," Jace said without looking up.

Emery, who forgot that the kid could hear him, was startled when he got a reply back.

"Hm? Honey, who are you saying thanks to?" Mrs. Alston asked as she sat down on the chair to the right of the bed. There was another seat next to her where Mr. Alston sat.

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