To Be King (13)

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Edited by Kuro and Lille

This is the 2nd chapter of the extras bought by Sakuradahl. Thank you so much for completing the Kofi goal (by yourself. we stan you). Please enjoy the extras ya bought teehee


Everyone watched Grey and Prince Lawrence fight in the middle of the throne room. Those who supported Prince Lawrence felt regret in their stomachs. They all could see that Grey didn't even break a sweat while fighting.

With every second that passed by, Prince Lawrence became more and more frustrated. His form became more chaotic, showing more holes in his stances, but Grey didn't seem to care about that. It was like he was toying with him, watching him like a clown in a circus.

Seeing Grey looking at him like he was prey made Prince Lawrence want to cut his face into pieces!

"How are you so strong!?" Prince Lawrence finally stopped attacking when he saw that nothing was able to break through Grey's defenses.

"Do you wanna know what my name was on the battlefield?" Grey finally decided to end this stupid battle.

"Enemy soldiers called me the Cursed Prince of Death," He explained, stalking closer. "When they saw me on the battlefield, they all ran without any regard for their dignity. At least if they ran away from me, then they would be able to live another day, right?"

There wasn't a hint of emotion on his face as he stepped closer and closer to Prince Lawrence.

"It's time to end this." Grey's words rang through the throne room.

Prince Lawrence felt dread in his heart, but he knew he could not run away. He was the one who suggested this battle. Even if he died, he wanted to die knowing that he didn't give up!

He tried to defend against Grey's onslaught, but in the end, his sword was thrown across the room, hitting a pillar. Luckily, it didn't hurt anyone.

Without his weapon, he knew he was as good as dead. He didn't want to die though! No one wanted to die! Why? Why was this happening to him?!

Before he could even try to beg for his life, Grey stabbed him in the chest. Ultimately, giving him a quick death.

"Your biggest mistake was underestimating me. Rest in peace, big brother." His words were genuine and sincere, different from the sarcastic and condescending tone he used when talking with most of the members of the Royal family.

Even to this day, he hated killing people. He could kill thousands of people, but he would still hate the feeling. That was why, he couldn't disrespect even this annoying person in death.

With that, the battle was concluded. It was easy for Grey, but he knew there was a lot more to be done.

With Prince Lawrence dead, all hope was lost for Queen Meredith and Consort Ceanna.

Dean clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention. "The winner of this duel is Crown Prince Ameer! With Prince Lawrence's death, the other side must abide by the agreement or face the consequences."

To be honest, Duke Ross and Earl Leanen couldn't take it anymore. They felt it was better for their family to be alive than to die trying to save Consort Ceanna or Queen Meredith.

Duke Ross was the first to give in. "As per agreement. Men, stand down and retreat. From today onwards, you will no longer be serving me. Please, Crown Prince Ameer, make sure these knights have a place to go..."

"I will uphold that," Grey responded. He felt that Duke Ross was a smart man, so he decided to at least fulfill this promise.

Earl Leanen was a little frustrated, but he knew his family was safe even with his daughter gone. "I will also take my leave. I will be sure to uphold my side of the agreement as well."

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