Interstellar General (2)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


After confirming that Grey's body was able to handle his rations, he didn't worry about the food and decided to worry about something more important.

Grey exited the cave and made his way to their mechas. He first went to Silas' mecha. He checked to see if anything was usable. He found that a lot of the metal was still intact even though they were up in flames yesterday. Unfortunately, they were in pieces and it could be seen that the mecha could no longer be salvaged.

Grey touched the metal that had cooled down and found there were all sorts of lumps and bumps in them. The cool metal on his skin felt different from the fires that erupted when they crashed.

He took the ones that he could use and put them in his system space. He also went to the place where his poor mecha was, and found that it was a lot more damaged than General Silas'. There wasn't a lot that he could take. It could be seen that the quality of their mechas was different. It made sense, the original Grey was a simple soldier compared to the almighty General.

When he got back to the small cave, he found General Silas with a fever. It seemed his body was still trying to fight the wounds even with first aid. He rushed over and did some temporary fever relief. He wiped his body clean and dry, then put a cold cloth on his forehead. He grabbed it from his emergency supplies in his system space. He also gave General Silas some fever medications to help it go down. He didn't have a lot so he had to be careful.

"Grey... Grey..." General Silas called out, voice hoarse because his mouth was incredibly dry.

Grey felt a chill go down his spine. It was like General Silas already knew it was him and not the other Grey.

"I'm here, don't worry. Do you want some water?"

His dazed blueish-green eyes looked over at Grey and felt comfort in seeing him.

He nodded and reached out to grab Grey's sleeve. "Stay with me. Don't go."

"I won't. I will stay with you."

Hearing those words, General Silas obediently drank his water and fell right back to sleep. He still had his hand grabbing Grey's shirt. Even if Grey wanted to move, he couldn't because General Silas put all of his strength into holding on.

'He's really cute.'

[You must be happy you found him so quickly.]

'I am. I'm just not happy that this body was ordered to kill him...'

[Still can't access some of 'Grey's' memories?]

'Nope. I can't.'

[This universe is really hindering everything. I also found a little bit of the Villain System that has tried to latch on to us, so I will do my best to get rid of the virus from the Villain system, but I can't do anything about the universe's plot. You will have to make do with what you can for now.]

System 225 was trying to negotiate with the guardians of this universe when it encountered the Villain System's virus. He got rid of most of it but some parts of the virus were hiding.

Grey comforted General Silas while he chatted with System 225. He held General Silas' hand while patting it with the other. It had a slow rhythm to it.

Suddenly, he heard a combination of chirping and buzzing sounds. It was a peculiar sound that Zergs made.

"System 225, how close are they?"

[Scanning... Scanning complete. They are less than 30 meters away from the cave.]

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