To Be King (5)

315 21 1

Edited by: Kuro and Lille

I would like to thank 917brat and the other ko-fi supporter (anon), especially 917brat (who gave a whooping 60 dollars) for completing the ko-fi goal. TWICE. This is the second extra chapter that was paid for by the two ko-fi supporters!


Grey and his three closest men woke up around late morning. They came back before dawn, so they were a bit tired after running around last night.

Grey and Noah were the first to wake up. They relaxed at the dining table, waiting for Abner and Hartley to wake up.

Grey somehow was able to get some sleep even though he was in pain and Noah was an early riser. Plus, it had been a while since it was just the two of them, so they didn't urge anyone to wake up the other two.

Noah had a lot of questions, so he felt it was a good time to ask with Abner away. "Big Brother, yesterday Abner said, 'Children should stay pure and not be tainted by the pleasures of humans.' What does that mean?"

Grey, who was about to drink his tea, paused and looked at his innocent little brother and best friend. "In what context did he say this?"

"We were trying to go into Queen Meredith's room, but he checked to make sure she was sleeping. He put his ear to the door, paused, and dragged me away. Then he said that."

Grey could only imagine Abner's inner turmoil. He could only imagine what Abner heard behind that door.

"Noah... She was having sex."

"Sex? Like what people were born as?"

Did no one teach this poor child sex education? Shit, Ameer, Royal Family, what were you doing letting this poor boy into the world without knowing what sex was? Then he remembered that Ameer also died single and had a sexless life... Grey couldn't say anything about that.

"No... You have genitals right?"


"Well, some people like to do stuff with their genitals with other people to feel good or have fun. Some people do it to have kids. That's sex." There was oral sex, anal sex, and vaginal sex. That's just the main three. He wasn't going to talk about people's kinks though...

"So she was using her genitals with someone else's genitals."

"Most likely."

"That makes sense. Thank you for telling me, Ameer! You really know everything."

Grey wanted to choke on his drink, but he held the urge down. Did he just corrupt an innocent child? He hoped not.

After that talk, Abner and Hartley finally decided to come down for breakfast which was a relief to Grey.

It was a simple breakfast and there wasn't much talking taking place. They didn't want to talk about something so important in the dining room.

Grey knew he had to be careful. His soldiers were loyal and would not be swayed by money when they lived on the battlefield, but it could be different after coming to the palace. He had to figure out who were the ones who were easily bribed with money and those who would remain loyal to him.

Thus far, no one was suspicious, but he had to keep his guard up. That was why all important conversations would either be done in his room or office. Well, his office still needed some furniture, so he decided to move their important conversations to the room.

They gathered in his room after breakfast. Abner and Grey took out their maps and any notes and set them on the only table in his room. It was in the center of the room in front of a sofa.

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