Spirit Prince (1)

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Grandpa's automated message:  This chapter was sponsored by "Somebody" on Ko-fi! They paid for a whole ass extra chapter so say thanks to them :D I was surprised to see that though. I put the price a little high so I'm not swamped with extra chapters every week. I figured 6 U.S. dollars was too much money for a chapter but here we are! So thank you, Somebody, for being my first Ko-fi. 

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


When the Host opened his eyes, he found himself in a dark room. The only light he had came from a tiny window with bars. He tried to lift his body, but he immediately felt something was wrong.

His fluffy ears were twitching. Wait... fluffy ears? Why did he have a tail???

With so many questions, he decided not to move around and laid back down on the ground. Sensing he was not in danger, for the time being, he closed his eyes.

'System, please send me the data for this world.'


A flood of information filed into the Host's mind. He quickly read over the data, though there was a lot of information.

In the world of Elersa, there were five kingdoms that ruled the main continent. The top 5 countries were powerhouses with resources and power on par with one another. Collectively, they decided to settle for a peace treaty. Each country would trade with one another and help each other in times of need. This peace agreement brought the continent together, boosting the economy of each country and increasing the standards of living for the common people.

This world also had portals that opened up to the Spirit Realm and the Demon Realm. These portals allowed spirits and demons to freely go through the mortal realm. There were also monsters that plagued the mortal realm. Though monsters filled the lands, spirits helped the people of Elersa. Spirits were capable of enhancing strength and magic powers. They could also grant riches, fame, and good harvests. They were powerful beings capable of miracles. Spirits also acted as messengers of the Gods and Goddesses.

Demons could also enhance abilities but only to individuals corrupted by evil. They were also known as evil spirits that were banned from the Spirit Realm. They kept the balance between good and evil.

The male protagonist of the world, Liam Floecia, was the Crown Prince of the Floecia Kingdom.

Floecia was a neutral kingdom where all the races of the world could come together to live in peace. Even though there was a Human King and Prime Minister, the king had representatives from the other races at his side. They acted as his Parliament members. The representatives were made up of one beastkin, dragonkin, elf, and dwarf. They were elected with the new king to help govern and regulate the matters of the kingdom. This was to ensure that there was equity for all races, not just rights for one of the races.

The Floecia Kingdom was at the center of the continent with a giant lake in the center of the kingdom. Fishing villages were situated by the rivers that flowed into the lake. This gave a source of jobs and food to the people of Floecia. The capital was on the right side of the giant lake and there was a bridge from the capital to the main temple that sat in the center of the lake. The temple was a holy place that was guarded by Floecia.

The main temple was known to house the Gods and Goddesses of Elersa. Only priests and priestesses lived in the temple. There were also other temples that were scattered across the continent. Priests and Priestesses also traveled the continent to help the people in times of disease, famine, poverty, and war. They weren't able to heal with light magic, but they could dispel the curses from evil spirits that liked to plague the people. They also took care of the temples and were able to contact the spirits to give oracles to the common people. There was a Pope that lived in the main temple that regulated the priests and priestesses. The Popes were elected every 20 years to ensure there was no corruption within the temple.

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