Spirit Prince (4)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Fel diligently trained for the next couple of months. Every time the Earl had a "shipment", he would help them escape. Some survived and made it to their hometowns and reunited with family, some without family decided to leave the country and made it past the border, and others either got killed by monsters or bandits.

He could not do anything for them after they left behind these walls, so he knew he couldn't feel bad about it. It made him sad from time to time, but he was doing his best.

Each time Fel helped them, the Earl would get more and more upset. Since he couldn't execute any more people, he began to take his anger out in other places. He started to break the expensive objects in his home, even went to try to rape a poor maid who was just trying to do her job. Luckily, he was stopped by his wife who calmed him down. Deep inside, she wanted him dead more than anyone else in the house.

Going back to Serena, Serena and her father immediately left the country after her rescue. The Yale Kingdom was invited to discuss peace treaties but quickly ended that thought. The King of Frayx was enraged. Who was bold enough to kidnap the Archduke's daughter and try to kill her? He, The King of Frayx, was the one who asked for the treaty since he knew their Yale Kingdom was a powerhouse with an abundance of resources. If he had them on his side, he would never have to worry about being lower than the other powers of the world.

His country once stood near the top, but with how the nobles bled the commoners dry, there were no advances to their society. The people got poorer and poorer, so the standards of living decreased compared to the other four powerhouses. The people were hungry so crimes were rampant. Illness swept through his lands.

How could he stand on the top with no people to keep him up?

Curses and the sounds of breaking objects could be heard coming from the King's study room.


There was a group of people standing around a portable table in the forest. They were a distance away from the estate, making sure to not get caught. There was a handheld lamp, being held by a knight over a map. Two men, excluding the knight, were in front of the map of a mansion. It was a blueprint version with little to no detail but it had a basic outline of the estate. This map was gathered by a group of individuals who had no experience in map making, which was why it was crude. At least they knew the general layout and where North, South, East, and West wings were.

"Liam, which part of the mansion would you like to investigate?" Jasper, Crown Prince of Efros, asked. He was a young Silver Wolf Beastkin with purple eyes. He was tall, but he was on the slimmer side. It could be seen that he was more brain than brawn, contrary to his fellow beastkins. In the world plot, he was the second male lead.

Liam, the Crown Prince of Floecia, rubbed his chin while thinking. The mansion was huge for an Earl. There was the North, East, South, and West wing. The basement area was in the furthest East corner while they were on the Westside. The auction room was recently built in the South wing while the Earl's family lived in the North wing. The servants' quarters were in the West wing, but it was the laxest area.

"I can look at the South and East wings."

"Then I will look through the West and North wing. Let's meet up in the West wing and go back together."

"That sounds good."

Their men were going to stay on guard in the forest while the two were going into the mansion. It's not like they had no one who could scout, but they enjoyed doing this kind of work to get more experience.

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