Finale 1

486 27 5

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


When System 225 finished his preparation, he transported everyone to the Command Center.

The Command Center was one large room divided into sections using short walls. All the Systems were divided into those sections. Each section could hold 500 systems.

There were 997 other Systems in the room. They were sitting at their designated desks, staring at the screen in front of them mindlessly. None of them looked like they knew where they were or what they were doing.

In the middle of the Command Center, a man was looking at the giant UniOrb that stood in the core of the room.

He had short blond hair and a bulky stature. Even so, his ocean-blue eyes were looking at the UniOrb with scorn and anguish. He was wearing a black suit that complimented his figure well. No one knew if he noticed System 225 and the others, but he continued to stare at the UniOrb without uttering a word.

He had been staring at the UniOrb for who knows how long, watching the fog that the Villain System had spread move ever so slowly.

The fog from the Villain System only filled a third of the UniOrb.

[System 001.] System 225 called out to him, standing on the other side of the UniOrb.

Grey, Azul, System 505, and Arisa were standing behind System 225, ready to back him up if needed.

[Oh, it's you, System 225. And I see you have also brought System 002 with you.]

Azul was considered to be System 002 as well as God System, but System 001 never called him by his appropriate title.

System 001 didn't even acknowledge Grey, Arisa, or System 505. In his eyes, those extras were not worth his time.

[Still as rude as ever.] System 225 rolled his eyes.

System 001 chuckled. [Rude? How about System 002? I was supposed to be the God System, but he took my place instead. Isn't that rude?]

Azul laughed and sneered. "Took your place? All 10 of us had equal opportunities to become God System, but you didn't even make it to the 13th world."

"The UniOrb had already stated that the first System to complete the 13th world without failing any world would become the God System. I was the first to finish without failing a single world. Was I not the System worthy enough to become the God System?"

[Worthy?! Hah! You were just lucky! The worlds they gave me were significantly harder than what you had to go through.] System 001 stepped away from the UniOrb and looked over at Azul angrily. [I told the UniOrb there was no need to do this test because wasn't I the first System they had recruited? But no, the UniOrb questioned my strength and felt I was unworthy. That's why my worlds were so difficult, to the point that I made a single mistake and it cost me everything!]

Perhaps because System 001 was dwelling on these feelings for so long, he became delusional about what had really happened. Azul had seen not only the missions for each world but also the processes that each System took. In conclusion, all the worlds were equal in terms of difficulty and were quite similar to one another.

"The worlds were all of the same difficulty. I can bring it up right now for you to see."

[Stop lying and stalling for time.] System 001 stopped moving a few feet in front of Azul and System 225. [I know why you are here, but your resistance is futile.]

[All of you should choose your weapons now. No guns though, I don't really like using them. They are loud and obnoxious.]

System 001 brought out a whip, one of his favorite weapons. The whip had thorns on it and could detach in sections to make the whip longer. At the tip of the whip, was a double-edged blade. Though it could not turn into a sword, the whip was still functioning in the sense that it could become larger or smaller depending on what he needed it to do.

Teaming Up With System 225Where stories live. Discover now