To Be King (6)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille

This was the second week of the Ko-fi goal that was completed by 917brat and the other ko-fi supporter (anon)! Please thank them again for donating to complete the goal (twice)! :D <3 thank you so much for your support of me and my story. 


Grey and Noah walked away from the dining room and headed toward the entrance of the main castle. They were walking side by side, taking their time as they strolled through the halls. They didn't have anyone guiding them, but they didn't get lost.

None of the servants or nearby officials wanted to escort them out. These people worked in the castle all day every day. If someone reported to Queen Meredith or Consort Ceanna about their kindness toward Prince Ameer and Prince Noah, their heads would be cut off.

The only person who would be brave enough to stop Prince Ameer and Prince Noah was...

The new Prime Minister didn't care much about the Royal Family in the first place.

"Prince Ameer, Prince Noah, it is a pleasure to finally meet your highnesses." The Prime Minister, Duke Dean Glemont gave a polite bow, but it wasn't flattering at all.

Dean Glemont had black hair and green eyes. He was wearing small and thin, gold oval-shaped glasses that suited his face. It made him look intelligent. He wore a nobleman's outfit, but it had a lot more decorations than the one Noah and Ameer were wearing. The decorations were gold, and they had a combination of white and green colors.

He looked more like a prince than Ameer and Noah.

If Grey didn't see the world plot, he would have no idea who this man was, but he knew. This was the Prime Minister, the one who killed not only Ameer, but Noah, Abner, and Hartley.

This man was most likely his husband, God System.

"Prime Minister Glemont, it's an honor to finally meet you as well." He gave a quick bow before holding out his hand.

Just looking at Dean made him feel like it was God System, but he would like a confirmation. God System could be anyone from the main character to a supporting character to even an unimportant background character. As long as the body was powerful, the body would be able to house God System.

If he was actually wrong and this man wasn't his husband, then he would probably leave the man alone and maintain an appropriate distance. Make sure they got along superficially so he doesn't die...

Grey and Dean shook hands, sending the familiar tingling sensation up his arm. It was his God System.

He finally met his husband! It was annoying that he was the main protagonist of this world though...

This main protagonist did kill the original Ameer and his closest allies. Grey didn't get a lot of information about Prime Minister Dean Glemont. He only knew that Dean would lead a revolution during Ameer's time as the Tyrant King.

The original Dean was a calculative man, one who did not like to be in the limelight. He preferred to be in the shadows, pushing others into the spotlight as he controlled everything from behind the scenes. This man also had a very secretive nature and was highly paranoid. He had to have everything in his control. If he didn't, he wouldn't hesitate to kill whatever or whoever was stopping him.

The two of them paused in their handshake, as though the whole world had stopped the moment they touched. Even so, Grey was the first to break their moment.

"Well, we must get going, Prime Minister Glemont. Please, excuse us." Grey let go of Dean's hand and motioned at Noah to get going.

They had more things to do.

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