Labyrinth (1)

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Edited: Kuro and Lille


When Grey felt a bit better, he talked with Arisa a bit more. She was happy that he was able to find a name for himself.

After hearing that she was going to rest for a while, Grey understood and went to System 225 who was sitting at the table processing the energy. His eyes were closed, but he seemed to know that Grey had come up to him. System 225 took the small UniOrb from his pocket and onto the table.

[Whenever you are ready, just put your hand on the UniOrb.] He hadn't opened his eyes the whole time. It seemed he was occupied with the abundant amounts of energy from the C-ranked world.

"I understand." Grey sat down across from System 225 and took a deep breath. This time, he would be sure to stay alive so that he could live a long life with God System.

He put his hand on the small UniOrb and closed his eyes.

He heard System 225's soft voice. [Transfering in 3... 2... 1... Transfer complete. Good luck on your endeavors, Grey.]


Grey woke up on the ground. He felt like he was hit by a truck. His body ached from having laid on the ground of some unknown floor. When he looked around, there wasn't much to see. It was a small room but there were six other people in the room with him. They were all unconscious.

'System, send me the world plot.' His body hurt but he still sat up and looked at everyone around him. A boy of around 14 or 15, who was originally in his arms, was moved so that the small boy's head was lying on his lap. He had short brown hair and tanned skin. He was a bit on the scrawny side but it didn't stop him from carrying the giant bag on his back.

He felt a familiar tingle and he knew that this boy was his best friend and his guardian angel.

[*Chirp Chirp* Understood, Grey, sending the world plot... Now.] System 225 said and a stream of information flooded Grey's mind.

Grey was in the body of a 28-year-old man named Edwin. He wore a white lab coat on top of his black slacks and a dark red shirt. It was a simple outfit that was easy to move in. His lab coat was made of special material that could disperse most magic. He had dark red hair and pink eyes, very different from the people around him.

Edwin was a traveling doctor. He could use healing magic, but he was also knowledgeable about medicinal herbs. He traveled the world to hone his healing technique, becoming quite famous in many countries. He refused to be tied down; however, he did take a disciple who was willing to travel the world with him.

His apprentice was named Micah. When Edwin found and healed him, he was 12 years old and an orphan. The current Micah was 16 years old. Since then, Micah followed Edwin and learned from him. Micah was a smart young man, so he picked up on his teachings quickly and was able to help Edwin side-by-side. He was good at absorbing information but he was nervous when it came to practical skills. He studied to be an Alchemist to help out Edwin, his savior. He only felt calm when he saw Edwin in the distance.

Anyway, these two found themselves in a labyrinth city named Ebrose in the country of Aclana. The labyrinth of Ebrose had 40 floors but only 20 were explored thus far. Edwin and Micah weren't originally going to go into the actual labyrinth but Edwin's good friend Tassilo, the Guild Master at the Adventurer's Guild, begged him to accompany a group that needed a healer. This group had someone with the Hero occupation in the team and they were searching far and wide for a decent healer. They came to Ebrose to level up so that they could prepare to fight the Demon King.

The Hero, Andrea, was the main protagonist but he was fine and didn't cause problems. The problem was his party member, Felicia, the magic-user of the group. She had plenty of magic power (or MP), but she brought trouble everywhere she went. Felicia was Andrea's childhood friend, so Andrea couldn't leave Felicia behind because he knew he was the only one who could get her out of trouble every time.

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