Interstellar General (11)

295 21 3

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Christoph quickly chased after the fleeing mecha he knew was General Norton.

Norton cursed under his breath as he tried to leave the base to get to his own estate. His estate had someone waiting for him to take him out of the capital, so he needed to survive until then.

Christoph's men— Claus, Kian, and Jamar— took out their non-lethal particle guns to try to shoot Norton out of the sky.

It was a four-against-one situation, but Christoph didn't care. He had to arrest Norton on orders of General Silas and the Emperor.

"If you turn yourself in right now, your sentence will be lowered!" Christoph announced to Norton.

They were both A-ranked, and even if there was a difference in strength, it didn't mean it was going to be an easy battle. Especially if someone desperate decided to fight back.

The more desperate someone became, the more they ignored themselves and everyone around them.

"Why the hell would I do that?!" Norton took out his own particle gun and began to shoot haphazardly.

If Norton were shooting above the city, Christoph would have killed Norton, but fortunately, they weren't near anywhere important, so he simply dodged the attacks and rushed toward the man.

Christoph took out his sword and slashed at Norton's back. He showed no mercy as he tried to capture the man. It would be better if he was injured so he couldn't fight back!

Norton was prepared though. A light shield popped up on his back, blocking the incoming slash. Though he didn't get injured, it did push him forward because of the momentum.

He took the shield off his back and pulled out his particle sword.

"Christoph, I will teach you the difference between a General and a Lieutenant General once and for all!"

Norton rushed forward while activating his abilities. He was an A-ranked user so he was always arrogant. Arrogance ruins a person. His overestimation of his own abilities became the very reason for his downfall...

The two exchanged blows. If Norton tried to get in an overhead slash, Christoph would block it. Christoph had also activated his abilities, but he had better control over it. He simply blocked Norton until he could find an opening.

"Stop blocking me! Do you think you can win if you just go on the defense?!"

Norton, who was rushing to get back to his estate, became angry at Christoph for not "taking him seriously." Christoph seemed like he wasn't breaking a sweat and was rubbing it in his face. His swings became wider and more chaotic. It was like he was a BOSS monster going berserk, not caring about how well his swings were. He just wanted to kill everything in front of him so he could escape.

Even though Norton seemed stronger with his state of mind, Christoph saw it as an opportunity to break through Norton's offense. When he saw a gap in his attack, Christoph switched from a defensive mode to an offensive one and quickly attacked. He showed no mercy and even cut off one of the arms of Norton's mecha.

With this, Claus, Kian, and Jamar took out their large net-guns hoping one of them would at least be able to capture Norton. There was a special function though. It would tase the creature caught in the net. It was enough to knock them out but not damage their internal organs.

Surprisingly, Kian's and Jamar's net-guns were able to grab a hold of Norton in his mecha. With him unconscious, he stopped moving and resisting. He went limp but the trio was able to keep him up in the air.

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