Prince of Acting (6)

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Edited by: Kuro, Lille, and Nyxx


Damien has been Alec's manager for four years. He was 24 when they first met. In those four years, Alec's popularity was steadily increasing. Even though he always played the role of villains, he still had a fanbase that supported him with every movie and show. From time to time, people asked him for romance movies, like Stairway to Love, and things like that, but he had always rejected them thinking that he was not good enough for those roles.

At first, he stayed with Alec due to his boredom with job picking. He thought that within a year, Alec would do something to piss him off, and then he would leave and never look back. That never happened, and he stayed because he empathized with Alec.

Alec could not take care of himself. He didn't know how to cook, do laundry, manage his money, and he was easily swindled. It was amazing that Alec lived to the age of 18, the age he signed up for acting. Then he found out about Alec's adoptive family. His parents owned an internationally renowned company and were always traveling due to business. Alec had no idea what his parents did for a living, he just knew they were rich. The people who took care of Alec were nannies who came, cleaned, made him food, and left him alone in the large house. Alec didn't complain as he had food, money, and shelter.

He also did his schooling online at his own pace so he could stick to his acting career.

As for whether the adoptive parents cared for Alec was something he did not know about. After Alec turned 18, Alec rarely contacted his adoptive parents. They called on the holidays, asked him how he was doing, and that was it. Since they remembered to call him, Damien could only hope that Alec's parents cared about him.

Maybe it was because of how Alec grew up, but he didn't know how to get in touch with his feelings outside of acting. It made Damien want to take care of him.

Damien was someone who had everything, family, education, and no shortage of romantic interests. Having everything made him feel bored with life. He did all that he needed to and then ran off to do whatever seemed interesting. Becoming a manager was interesting. Helping someone get famous sounded interesting to a certain degree. Maybe everything else was so boring that he needed something to do that he's never done before, which was why he picked up the manager's job. His family thought he had finally gone crazy.

Maybe he did, but now he knew that maybe it was fate that he became Alec's manager.

6 months ago, everything seemed to change. Something changed within Alec and it had changed for the better. Alec became more expressive in his own way. It was like the spark of life that was dormant in him came out and was ready to fly away. He took on jobs that he would always reject, like roles in romance movies.

He didn't know how someone he took care of every day could change within a night. For months, he had thought that something happened to Alec without him knowing. After hiring some detectives, they found nothing suspicious. What could have happened to Alec that could change him so much?

Nothing seemed off about Alec. He was just a bit more expressive, that was it. Maybe something sparked within him, like a story or movie. Whatever it was, he hoped that Alec was not hurt in the process.

He had been watching over Alec for 4 years. If he didn't watch over him, he felt as if no one else would, and then Alec would truly be alone in the world.

Then he suddenly got a friend. Alec's world seemed to expand past the horizons and showed sides of himself that he, Damien, didn't know Alec had. He was a little jealous that he wasn't the person to bring out the emotions within Alec...

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