Extra: Pursuit of Happiness Poems

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Grandpa Marky: You don't have to read this if you aren't a big fan of poems. This is pretty long as there are 6 poems that I mentioned in the chapter, some longer than others... I just thought it would be nice to put it here as I love to write poems. If you do read it, hope you like it! Thank you! Arc 3 will be posted right after this!



Walking along the narrow road was a treacherous journey.
You can fall.
You can trip.
You can get dragged.
Meet a dead end.
Caught up in a storm.
Hang off the edge of a cliff.

There were many obstacles.
Too many twists.
Too many pits
Too many.
Step by step
Feet on the ground

You run into people.
They can be your friend
or your worst enemy.
You can get betrayed.

But there could be love.

Friendships and relationships,
family and chosen families,
partners and comrades.

You could also be alone.

Just like this man.
He stood alone on his road.
Countless people had passed by,
but none stopped to accompany the man.

He didn't mind that.

His journey was a bit different from those around him.
He didn't care about his fate,
but cared only about one thing.


This man had an obsession for looking for this "happiness"
A treasure that many cherished and kept close.
Treasure because everyone kept it in a box to preserve it,
to remember it
like if they let go, it would disappear
Treasure because it would shine and glitter,
like expensive vases and silverware that were only meant to be admired and never used
Treasure because it was warm and filled with emotions,
like sitting by the fire during a blizzard, bundled up in blankets with family and friends
Treasure because those emotions were out of his reach,
it was like he was trying to get fruits off the tree,
but everyone beat him to it and he could only see the fruits at the top

He felt like he was the only one who didn't have this "treasure".
Could it even be called a treasure when everyone else had one?
But to the man who didn't have this "happiness", it was a treasure.

Even with a map,
he couldn't find anything in his heart.

There was nothing there
He had nothing
He felt nothing
He was nothing
But he didn't want to be nothing.

So he went on a search.

This man was searching for his happiness.



The sounds of yelling and screaming
Echoed throughout the room
A young child crouched
He was terrified of their voices
They were never ending

Fists and hands being thrown
back and forth as they grabbed at each other's throats
As though they didn't feel the pain
Or his pain

He didn't understand
Why couldn't anyone save him
He felt so lost

Every time he reach his hand out
there was no one there
He didn't understand his pain
He felt it was normal


He wanted to be normal



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