Artificial Human (6) [Revised]

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille.

You are reading the revised chapter. Some content has changed and some has stayed the same. Some comments in later chapters will no longer apply to the chapter since I've made changes. Thank you for always supporting me and I hope the new Arc 5 is a better read for everyone! (This is copied and pasted to all platforms and will be in every chapter).


While getting settled in MI Base, Adam 1 learned about the disappearance of Dr. Linus. No one knew where he went. According to Morgan's satellites, there were no other living creatures in the capital, aka the Black Zone.

The military had been searching through the base as well as the surrounding area but no one had seen Dr. Linus.

'Strange... Did this happen in the original plot?' The Host couldn't help but ask System 225.

[From what I can see, no. Dr. Linus was quite happy to know that Adam 1 came to MI Base, so it's strange he's nowhere to be seen...]

'If we can't find him then how do we track him? Should I go find him myself?'

[He may show up when he hears of your arrival, no?]

'I hope that's the case...'

Where the hell was Dr. Linus?


Dr. Linus was hiding in the basement of the research building. He had the help of his closest companion, Dr. Langley, to make sure he was able to stay hidden in the basement. There wasn't much light down there so the other scientists weren't very fond of going in there.

Dr. Langley was a scrawny young man who looked as though he had never stepped outside. He had shaggy blonde hair and green eyes, but he looked more like a zombie than some zombies out there...

He was Dr. Linus' mentee during his Ph.D. years. He looked up to Dr. Linus very much so he also followed him to do artificial human research. Even after the apocalypse, he still stayed by Dr. Linus' side.

"Dr. Linus... Here's your food. How long do you want to stay hidden?"

"For as long as possible... I need to create the most powerful serum so that we can make even humans powerful enough to fight these damn zombies!"

Dr. Linus knew that Dr. Langley would not approve of his actual plans as well as how he was going to execute them.

After being reborn, he remembered all of Adam 1's data, so there was no point in looking for him. He could do everything from memory, creating a serum that would make him so powerful, Adam 1 would have to submit to him.

He was a genius, but he was also selfish and wanted to stand at the top of the world. He wanted to look down on people, tell them what to do, and get everything his way. As for why? He wasn't sure, but it was a feeling that he always had. Everyone was worse than him, so when he created Adam 1, he believed that Adam 1 would listen to him.

That belief was discarded when Adam 1 killed him in their past life. This time, he would be powerful enough to keep Adam 1 under his control.

He was the master, he was the creator. He could not have his creation go against him.

"Dr. Langley, don't worry. I will do everything I can to save humanity, but people won't understand what I'm doing. They will make me out to be the bad guy, thinking I am trying to destroy humanity instead of saving it."

"Don't worry, Dr. Linus! I understand your intentions. I will be on your side and help you out!"

"Thank you... I'm really glad to have you on my side, Dr. Langley."

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