Interstellar General (4)

365 24 0

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Silas was stretching outside of the cave for the first time in a while. His fever stopped and his wound was almost closed. He couldn't do anything too crazy, but his joints were stiff from lying around all day. He needed to stretch or he would go insane.

"Be careful not to open the wound." Grey reminded Silas as he was making breakfast.

"I will be careful."

They had been stranded on this planet for 12 days already but there were no signs of the rescue team. It was strange that nobody else but Grey, the original, followed Silas! It made Grey, the host, a little mad.

"I don't mind being stuck here, just the two of us... Though it would be nice if the Zerg weren't here and the animals and vegetation were safe to eat."

"That would be nice. Maybe when everything is situated, we can go on a long vacation, just the two of us." Silas really liked this idea. He had many places he wanted to go to in this galaxy alone!

In this world, the "humans" with physical and mental energy lived for around 300 years. But the higher the rank, the longer they lived. It was reported that S-rank individuals could live up to 600 years. This was twice the age of people who were only F-rank. Those without that energy lived for only about 150 years.

They were only in their 30's and 40's so they had plenty of time to relax together.

"Once we had our fun traveling around, I hope we can settle on a planet without a lot of people. Then we can relax with our kids, watch them grow up and leave the nest, and spend the rest of our lives together."

Silas, the sappiest one out of the two, mumbled about all sorts of things. He was even calculating how much it would cost for their wedding, honeymoon, vacations, etc.

Grey couldn't help but laugh hearing all of Silas' mumbling. "You really are excited to go places."

"Of course, I want to experience everything with you. I want to make more and more memories together so all we have to remember are the times we had together. I want to be by your side always."

Silas gave Grey light cheek pinches, something he hadn't done in a while.

Grey felt his heart warming up hearing God System's words and feeling his fingers. In every world, he felt like this man was healing his wounded heart and soul.

"I feel the same way, my love."

There's no one else but only you that I would want to be with. In the many universes and worlds of the UniOrb, there's only you.


[Grey... I can't see what it is but there is something causing small tremors in the ground. It's like... Something is coming in this direction.]

Grey, who was already outside the cave making sure all the traps were in place, looked up towards the top of the trees and saw thousands of birds fleeing the area. They looked close, but he knew it was because of the sheer amount of birds flying away.

"What in the world is going on?" Grey said worried about the safety of their base.

Silas, who was also outside the cave, placed both his palms on the ground and injected mental energy into the ground. He was hoping he could feel any living creatures or Zergs with it.

"This... there seems to be a lot of Zergs moving towards our direction."

"Shit! Can you tell how long it will take them to get here?"

Teaming Up With System 225Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora