To Be King (10)

390 28 5

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


It took Grey a week to recover. It was a painful week, but not enough to say it was the most painful thing he had ever gone through. Even so, Dean cared for him like he was the most fragile person. It was quite heartwarming to see.

During his recovery, Grey handed Dean all of the documents that were in Queen Meredith's and Consort Ceanna's underground room. They were going to bring all that and the other information that Dean could gather straight to the King.

The King was about to die and his other sons were in charge of running the kingdom. Grey wanted to see King Maverick's reaction to the document that stated how his wives were poisoning him.

After resting for a few more days, Grey and Dean went to the main castle together. They had already requested an audience with King Maverick beforehand.

It was the first time Grey had visited the King. In the world plot, Ameer killed the King first before killing the other members of the Royal family. The only blood relative he left alive was Noah. Grey changed this, so it took some time for him to visit King Maverick.

Grey and Dean were wearing matching outfits. When they arrived at the castle together, everyone was shocked. Did the two team up?! When did this happen??? Many thoughts rolled into people's minds, however, they all knew that one had to know when to keep their mouth shut to survive in the castle or the nobility.

Grey was wearing an outfit that was similar to what Dean was wearing when they first met. It was white with gold decorations instead. Dean wore a similar outfit, but it was light grey with green decorations.

With Grey's light blond hair, it looked like it glistened in the sunlight and gave him an ethereal feeling. Next to the cold Prime Minister, Grey seemed like he was bathed in warmth.

The two's contrasting appearances caught everyone's attention. When they saw that they were guided to the King's chambers, everyone couldn't help but gossip.

What was going on? Was the Prime Minister taking sides? Wasn't his family always neutral? What was going on?! Everyone wanted to know.

The person who was escorting Grey and Dean was an old chamberlain named Bernard. No one knew his last name though. He had short white hair that was slicked back so perfectly, there wasn't a single strand of hair sticking out. He also wore an old-fashioned butler outfit with a tailcoat. It wasn't popular anymore but he looked good in it.

He had been accompanying King Maverick since he was a Prince. He mostly attended to King Maverick, but he had a lot more say than even the Queen and Consort Ceanna.

Chamberlain Bernard smiled and politely bowed. "Your Highness Prince Ameer, and Prime Minister Glemont, it's quite rare to see you both together."

It wasn't just rare, it was simply unheard of with Ameer being on the battlefield most of the year and Dean being in the capital all year round.

"We just happened to meet each other recently." Grey gave a bow back. "Since we both have something to say to His Majesty, we decided to get an audience together."

His words didn't hide any intent and were straightforward. The chamberlain smiled and didn't say anything more to Grey.

It didn't take very long for them to get to the third floor where King Maverick lived. There weren't a lot of servants, only some cleaning the halls and other rooms. King Maverick's room was at the end of the hallway.

Chamberlain Bernard knocked on the door. "Your Majesty, I have brought His Highness, Prince Ameer, and Prime Minister Glemont."

"Let them inside." The voice was extremely hoarse and deep. His voice was permanently damaged, and even medicine couldn't save his throat.

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