Interstellar General (5)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


The rescue team, aka General Silas' comrades, finally found their General on a remote planet. They saw the strange migration of Zergs and found two people surrounded by them. At the top of the mountain, they saw General Silas sniping down Zergs from the top of the mountain. They saw an SOS sign and an arrow pointing downward.

When they looked at the base of the mountain, they found a lone soldier. Everyone recognized the man as Grey, the only one who went after the General. Grey was fighting the Zergs without his mecha, a gun, or a knife. He was wielding the Zerg's scythes as a weapon. He chopped down Zergs like he was reaping down wheat. When the scythe was worn out, he would grab another from who knows where to continue his conquest.

General Silas' right-hand man, Lieutenant General Christoph Drai, commanded their comrades while General Silas was absent. It was something that he was used to.

Christoph was a man with blonde hair, brown eyes, and freckles. He was cute, but his presence was a little small, so he didn't stand out too much. His strength made up for his lack of presence though. He was the heir to the Drai house, Earls, who followed the Ebunox family into countless battles. Though his father retired from the military, he was still able to protect his territory.

Lieutenant General Christoph ordered, "Claus, Kian, and Jamar, go to General Silas and check on his well-being. Make sure you give him a substitute mecha for him to make it back to the spacecraft. The rest of us will assist Sir Grey. Wipe out all the Zergs in the area."

Since they were here, it didn't hurt to sweep through the area of Zerg. He also saw the large Zerg, assuming that it was their leader on this planet.

"Yes, Lieutenant General!"

Claus, Kian, and Jamar flew towards General Silas, while the rest landed either in front of Grey or at the top of the other two mountains. Since they were surrounded on all sides, they had to split their troops accordingly.

"Sir Grey, take this substitute mecha." Christoph threw a metal box that was 3 inches wide and tall. "Don't worry about the Zergs and make sure General Silas makes it back to the spacecraft."

Then he gave a sigh of relief. "You did a good job protecting General Silas and making it out alive."

"Understood, Lieutenant General!" Grey saluted the higher-ranked man and activated the mecha. "Thank you!"

He heard System 225 say, [Congratulations on completing the Side Mission: Keep the General alive until the rescue team arrives. Keep up the good work.]

Grey gave his thanks and activated the mecha.

A mecha that was slightly better quality than the one he originally had covered his body from head to toe. Using the original's memories, he turned on the mecha and jumped off the boulder. He followed behind Silas and the three men who went to save him.

"Alright, let's clear the area of Zergs!" Christoph commanded in their intercoms.

"Ayee!" The other soldiers responded.

They took out their weapons, some used swords while others used guns, and began to sweep through the praying mantis Zergs. With their mechas, the Zergs didn't pose much of a challenge. It was nothing like the Zerg Queen and her army of Zergs.

Though they weren't difficult to kill, there were a lot of them, so it still took a few hours to make it to the leader of the praying mantis Zergs. In the end, Christoph beheaded the leader Zerg and brought everyone back to the spacecraft.

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