Spirit Investigator (9)

590 28 0

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


"Does this look familiar to you?" Grey asked Emery as they looked through some of the translated information System 225 sent.

Emery shook his head. "Nope, this doesn't ring any bells..."

It was a sealing technique from a small country on another continent. Emery could only wonder how Grey found all of this information or how he translated it so accurately... They had been looking through all sorts of sealing techniques with no way of knowing if they worked or not. They would have to test it, but they got a couple of months off so it was plenty of time.

Grey asked Emery if he remembered hoping his subconscious would at least feel a sense of déjà vu when looking through the sealing techniques. Thus far, they haven't seen any that Emery recognized and Grey still wasn't able to tap into Emery's lost memories.

In Grey's own time, he also looked through the sealing techniques from other worlds and he didn't find any that were compatible with the current world.

Nora, who was watching this interaction go on for more than 4 hours, couldn't take it anymore and groaned. "We've been doing this for days. Why can't you just make Emery remember?"

Even though she said that casually, Grey couldn't help but flinch as he knew the consequences of forcing Emery to remember.

Emery saw Grey's small movement and couldn't help but point it out. "Why did you flinch? Is there something wrong with forcing me to remember?" Even he was a bit tired of going through many sealing techniques but not being able to find the one from his sealed/lost memories.

Grey saw the two staring at him with curious and hopeful eyes, making him sigh in defeat. He knew he had to tell them. "I can force you to remember, but it's a really painful process. If Emery isn't strong enough to handle all of the emotions of his past life, it may damage his soul to the point he would disappear completely. I would not be able to bring you back..."

There was a chilling silence after Grey explained the problems with forcing Emery to remember. Nora felt really bad about suggesting it and didn't know what to say.

Emery, who felt like he had a lump in his throat, said, "Is there a way for me to gently remember without being forced like so?"

"Like I said in the beginning, you would have to naturally remember by yourself, but I'm not sure how to help speed up that process. That's why I've been making you look at different sealing techniques hoping one of them would trigger your memory."

Emery was silent for a while and didn't know what to say. He wanted to remember but he also didn't want to disappear forever. He knew there was life after death, but what happens if he made it so that he didn't have anything after death? It was scary to think about.

"I'm sorry for saying it like that, but I didn't say anything because I wanted to help you remember safely, you both understand right?"

Nora nodded. "Yeah, I apologize for bringing it up out of frustration." Though she was a bit hot-headed and spoke first before thinking, she knew when she made mistakes and learned from them. There was no way Grey could get mad at her when she took criticism well.

"We have plenty of time so let's take it slowly, alright?" Grey said and then looked over at Emery who was still silent. The man was stunned and floating mid-air. It seems he was still thinking about what Grey had said about his soul disappearing forever.

"Emery?" He called out but Emery didn't say a word.

"Emery, come back to us now, we still have a lot to look through."

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