Famous Author (8)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


When his book finally hit the shelves, many people flocked to buy it.

Thousands of physical copies were sold in just the first hour, shocking store owners around the country. Many digital copies were sold and were currently being read.

Calvin was not nervous about his story not being up to par. It was detailed, engaging, and realistic yet not. The man who lived that life was basically twisting a bit of it, but it was still something he experienced firsthand.

The first book told about how Captain Ralph and Sterias met, how they found out about Fernas, and how they started their plans to prevent Fernas from getting the Earthians involved. It ended with the start of the rebellion in the Empire, leaving the readers at a major cliffhanger.

Many people loved the action yet love-filled story, but some opposed the main couple.

Homophobic people and comments sprung up, complaining as to why the characters had to be gay. Gays were shunned by God, what's the use of turning a perfectly good story, gay?

Calvin sneered as he saw those comments and news channels that bashed him for his book. People actually thought that there were only two sides to the world, like flipping a coin you get either one or the other. But there were many more complexities to people. People had multiple identities. People adapted. People grew. People change, but many folks were scared of change.

There will be people who hate and complain, but as long as you stayed true to yourself, why did those people matter?

[I don't understand why humans have a problem with differences. With differences there is beauty. With curves and edges, there is variety. With change, there is motion. If people do not change, then they will not go anywhere.]

'Well said System. Humans have always been such creatures. No matter what world, no matter what time period; there will be wars, there will be fights, there will be discrimination, there will be hatred. Among these masses of people, there will be some who seek out change because they know the world needs that change. It's the silver lining between the dark clouds that gives me hope.'

Calvin got up, stretched, and then yawned. "Lucy, let's start accepting those interviews."

"It's time to tell the world what needs to be said. If they can't accept these words, then there is nothing else I can do. You can give them a seed to plant in the ground, but if they don't water and nourish it, it won't grow. All we can do is hope they will take care of the seed and give it life."


Over the next few weeks, Calvin was booked for interviews. People wanted to know his inspiration for the story, but most importantly, why did the main couple have to be gay.

Calvin, who was sitting at his first interview for the book, was at a news station, waiting for his cue. Since it was live, he would show up on the program at 11:30 AM, and he had about 20 minutes to talk about his book and answer questions. Fairly simple, but he was annoyed that the time was ticking too slowly. He had another appointment soon so he wanted to hurry up and get this done.

After this, Calvin was going to meet up with James for lunch. The man reached out to him, so why not entertain him and see what he had to say?

Calvin sighed. He truly hated going to interviews but it was another type of publicity so he had to go.

"Mr. Scott, are you ready?" The interviewer asked. Her name was Naomi and she was an attractive woman in her 40's. She always did the morning news for the area. She was the Queen of News Channel 20.

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