Interstellar General (10)

332 19 2

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Grey and Silas didn't spend a lot of time at Silas' house. They were at the First Legion's base for most of the day, even eating there. They only came back to the house to sleep together.

They also found out Grey's rank which was S-rank as well.

During that time, Caspian and Norton were thinking of ways to get Grey and Silas to leave the base. Maybe it was a coincidence, but the security of the base was much higher than before the battle with the Zerg Queen.

This made the two worry that Silas knew about their plans, but nothing happened to them.

Norton and Caspian thought they weren't going to be able to go ahead with their plans until they found out that Silas was taking Grey out on a dinner date. Naturally, they had someone tail Silas and Grey while they confirmed the restaurant. If they were a moment late, all of their plans would be ruined!

They could finally do as planned but they needed to hurry!


"Where are we going?" Grey asked while Silas pulled him into a hovercraft.

Hovercrafts were used only on planets. They were not like a spacecraft that could go into space and to other planets.

"We are going to a restaurant. It's a surprise which one though."

"As long as the food is good, I don't care where we go."

"Trust me, it's good."

"As good as my cooking?" Grey raised his eyebrow.


If there was a driver in the hovercraft, the driver would probably want to toss themselves out. Luckily, it was automated.

When they arrived, Grey saw a pentagon-shaped building made of glass. It also had a strange triangular part connected to the top left of the building. It was a strange building, but it was bustling with people.

According to Silas, it was a famous restaurant known for its noodle dishes. It took all sorts of noodle dishes from thousands of years ago. It probably lost all of the original flavors, but to the people of the interstellar universe, this was already good.

Silas already had a reservation, so the host guided him and Grey into their small private room. It was in one of many rooms, but its scenery when looking out the window was magnificent. He saw the bustle of the city and the imperial palace in the distance.

"This place is quite nice," Grey said, looking around the room.

It was a very minimalistic room with a single potted plant and a painting. The restaurant wanted the main focus to be on the food and the view of the capital.

The moment they sat down, a robot came into the room with a screen on it.

{Robot: Hello, esteemed customers. I am your server, Little Blue. You can order your food on my screen.}

Little Blue's screen opened the menu. Every item on the menu had a picture accompanying its name so people could see what they would be eating.

Grey ordered something that looked similar to ramen and Silas ordered something that looked like a tomato pasta dish. They also ordered drinks that included interesting carbonated flavors and water.

The food was pretty good, better than what they were eating on the remote planet. Grey ate his food with relish.

They didn't typically drink during their meals. Only if it was water. There was some sort of carbonated drink in front of Grey that he had never heard of. He saved that for last.

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