Interstellar General (1)

570 24 2

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


When Grey came to, he felt his body shaking uncontrollably. Red flashes flooded his eyes, and the sound of an alarm was ringing in his ears. He could see he was in a mecha, but there were sparks flying everywhere. He felt like if he kept his eyes open any longer, he would lose his eyes too!

A mechanical voice rang in his ears, "Warning. Warning. Warning. Danger. Crash landing in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5..."

[Grey, brace yourself!]

He felt like his body was being hit by a truck as the mecha crashed into the ground. Luckily, his body was sturdy so he didn't break any bones. He had cuts and bruises all over his body though, and he knew it was going to take him some time to fully recover.

[Grey, you must leave the mecha now! It is about to explode. Let me open the latch for you!]

Grey crawled out of the mecha as fast as he could, but he scraped his limbs on the way out. When he got far enough, he heard System 225's warning once again.

[The mecha is going to explode! Cover your head.]

He shielded his head with his arms and felt the ground shake. He heard the explosion behind him, he could feel the flames on his skin, and bits of pieces of hot metal fell off of him.

He turned around and didn't see much of his mecha. Actually, it was in pieces.

'To have the threat of dying in a mecha immediately after transferring to a new world ... the difficulty seems to have gone up a lot.'

[I'm sorry, Grey, I thought we would have a safer transfer, but it seems that there was a disturbance with the transfer.]

'Is it the Villain System?'

[No, this time, it's the guardians of this universe that are trying to prevent our arrival.]

'What can we do?'

[Not much. All we can do is complete the missions and hope the guardians won't interfere any further than this... Ah, let me send you the information for this world while you tend to your wounds. There isn't a lot though.]

There were multiple worlds in this universe, so there were multiple beings that controlled the direction the worlds would go towards. It was strange since he was used to going to individual worlds that Gods isolated. The UniOrb was quite vast. There were still many things he didn't understand about it.

This time, he was in a whole universe system of worlds. In simpler terms, he was in an interstellar universe.

There were galactic alliances and empires that ruled the interstellar universe. There were also different races, different from humans, elves, and dwarfs. Depending on the environment, they could either have skin as hard as stones or metals, or have gills and flippers, but were still able to communicate with others. Of course, there were humans, but they were different from the humans that Grey was used to.

They evolved after years of struggling in the galactic wars and trying to find a place to live after the destruction of Planet Earth. They had an energy system that they used to protect their people.

There was a system for physical and mental energy, both were used for different things. There were ranks for the energy; S was the highest and then A through F with F being the lowest rank. Both physical and mental strength were ranked with the same system. Most people had the same physical and mental strength, while it was rare to have two different ones.

The physical energy increased the strength of a person and made their bodies harder than metal. If needed, they could even make their body into a weapon. As for mental strength, it increased the speed of thoughts, and their memory, and made them capable of using high-intensity weapons like the mechas.

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