Dystopia (11)

317 19 0

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


When Grey and Cyan stepped out of the building, many eyes were facing them. Most of the people in the plaza were those who worked or lived in the city. Those living in the city were single or widowed. As for those who lived in the suburbs, they were all families and married couples.

Despite the number of people, everyone was quiet. There was no chaotic yelling, screaming, or moving. They were all standing in the plaza close to one another so that there was room for other people.

That made it a lot easier to organize them.

Grey turned to the other City Hall workers who followed him out. The total number of people working there was 35, so he decided to split them up into five groups of seven.

He gave them instructions to make sure to use their holophones to calculate the number of people in their section and that they were to do their best not to exceed 2000 people.

The City Hall workers scrambled to their spots and immediately got to work. Thankfully, even the people who just entered the plaza knew what to do and went into one of the 5 groups.

It took about 2 hours for almost ten thousand people to be split into 5 groups.

Grey was holding a microphone used for events in the town square so he could talk with everyone.

"Now that everyone is here, I will be taking down the forcefield. Do not be scared with the spacecrafts coming down. Parents, hold on to your children and do not let them run. Do not panic and follow the soldiers to where you are supposed to go."

"Does everyone understand?"

"Yes sir!" The crowd instinctively shouted.

Grey nodded. 'System 225, please take down the forcefield and let General Kai know that he and his men can come in. Be sure to remind them where to land.'

[Understood, Grey!]

At Grey's cue, the forcefield began to disappear starting from the top. The forcefield that was usually hidden from the naked eye showed up with a triangle pattern. It slowly trickled downward, disappearing as it moved downward.

The air that came in was different from the artificial air that was being generated. It seemed fresh and crisp. The smell of a forest wafted throughout the city.

That bubble that surrounded the city not only kept people from coming in and out, but also kept the environment from the outside from coming in. Birds soared through the city, the sound of bugs chirped, and even the wind traveled through the buildings and trees.

The seemingly perfect world XU239 was confined in began to burst with life.

Everyone except for Grey and Cyan, looked around, bewildered with what their senses were picking up.

None of them have ever felt the wind in their hair or the humidity on their skins. No one had ever heard the sounds of birds chirping or the buzzing of insects. It was almost as if they all stepped into a new world, one full of mystery and wonder.

Everyone looked up at the blue sky and saw clouds for the first time. In their view, they saw the large spacecrafts coming closer to their city.

It only took a few minutes for the spacecrafts to land.

Grey spoke into the microphone once more. "Stay in your groups and follow the soldiers to your designated spacecrafts! Do not push or shove, everyone will be able to go inside."

Thankfully, everyone was quite disciplined and no one made trouble.

When 75% of the group was in the spacecraft, a blaring alarm resounded throughout the city.

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