Labyrinth (5)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


After planning their next move, Andrea decided it was a good time to rest. They ate a small meal before heading off to bed. They were split into groups to be on the lookout. For the first shift, it was Felicia (Arisa) and Andrea, then it was Genji and Lamine, and lastly, it was Reyner and Grey. Micah was allowed to sleep without being awoken because he was the youngest member of the group.

When it was finally time for Grey and Reyner's shift, System 225 told him that Felicia's soul was finally cleansed of the curse. 12 hours went by quickly. Even though it was a short moment, he was glad to spend time with Arisa.

He had to wait for Arisa to wake up so he stayed next to Reyner.

"Edwin... Do you remember?" Reyner finally said after a good 30 minutes of silence.

Grey smiled and put his head on the man's shoulder. "I do remember our past lives together if that's what you are asking."

Micah was sleeping on his lap so he did his best not to move. He wanted to hug God System but for now, this would do.

"I see. You remember in every world right?"

"Yes, I do. I remember every world since the first one where we met."

"I remember a lot of things, but not everything, so I'm sorry."

"It's okay, we have time. We still have time."

Grey's voice was a soft whisper but Reyner felt it was beautiful, like a melody being sung under the night sky. It was so soothing he wanted to fall asleep.

"I'm glad to have found you right away," Grey said, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Me too, so let's get out of here alive. Then, we can travel the world together. I will be coming back into the dungeon once we leave, though. There's something I need to do here. Would you come with me?"

"Of course, I will." Even though he was in the Hero's party, now that he had found Edwin, there was no need for him to stay if Edwin was not there.

"I'm glad. We still have to go on our hot springs trip. Do you remember that promise?"

"I do! I'm glad you remember. I'm so thankful to see you alive and well..."

After that, they didn't say anything else. They just held hands and waited for everyone else to wake up. Andrea was the first to wake up, although, he didn't see how intimate Reyner and Edwin were, he did notice they were quite close to one another.

Soon after, the rest of them woke up. The first thing Felicia did was complain about how hungry she was... Arisa was acting a little too well.

They distributed the rations and began to pack up. They weren't coming back here and they didn't know how long it would take for them to find another safe spot.

Once they were done, Grey pulled Arisa aside.

Arisa, who was acting like Felicia, was terrified to be pulled aside again. She mumbled, "What did I do this time?"

Grey softly whispered, "System Barrier."

Time once again slowed down and only Grey and Arisa were able to move normally. Arisa gave a sigh of relief and her once fearful face turned into a smirk.

"Well, that was easy. No one suspected a thing." Arisa smiled brightly, much different from when she was acting as Felicia.

"12 hours goes by really quickly... If I didn't know you were in her body, I wouldn't have known Felicia wasn't there."

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