Hero Helping... Again (3)

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Edited by Kuro and Lille


Ethenea, the Goddess of Love and Fertility, shook her head and gave a sad smile. Her voice was soft and quiet, so everyone stopped talking just to hear her speak. "It's more than just hero helping though. In this world, the Demon King is born out of resentment from a Fallen God. One of our own, the God of Death and Dreams, couldn't stand the way the humans treated one another and other races. He hated their greed for power, fame, and money. Many people died senselessly, and he was the one in charge of making sure that they would be able to reincarnate peacefully...

"However, he was too kind to the poor souls that came to him. He couldn't understand why people treated life so carelessly and so cruelly. After thousands of years, his resentment grew and grew until it consumed him, turning him into a Fallen God. His only wish was to rid the world of intelligent beings so that the world could start anew, and then hopefully, he wouldn't have to greet so many pitiful and lost souls.

"That's how these Demon Kings are born. They are the personified resentment that he harbors in his heart... Usually, bestowing a Hero with divine power can let them easily fight the Demon King, but this time, the Hero is not strong enough and the world will end...

"We want you to free him of that resentment and save this world alongside the Hero. We can't do that ourselves because we can't interfere with the ways of the world, but you can. You are a foreign entity, so you should be able to harbor the power of the heavens."

Everyone was surprised to hear her talk so much, but for the Gods, it made sense. The God of Death and Dreams was once her lover...

Grey couldn't help but ask, "What's the difference between Divine and Heavenly power?" Wasn't it the same thing?

Wyrmis answered this question.

"Divine power can be given to humans. It allows them to wield a small portion of power that resembles our power. Think of it as a very diluted version of it. It's safe for humans and won't cause any adverse side effects. It can be used to defeat the Demon King and his minions or to heal comrades. As for heavenly power, it's basically being given the power of the Gods, undiluted of course. We will only temporarily give it to you though... You will use that to purify the Fallen God and help us bring him back to the divine realm."

"Also, only the Hero can kill the Demon King and vice versa."

That made sense to Grey...

"Just to clarify, you want me to not only help the Hero defeat the Demon King with this Heavenly power, but you also want me to purify the Fallen God? In exchange, you will make sure I survive and give me something that will help me defeat the Villain System?"

"That's correct."

All the Gods nodded.

"Alright, I can help, but there are no promises to me succeeding."

"Of course, of course. You aren't the first Host to lose, but please try to win this time. If you don't, everyone will perish, ceasing to exist..."

That was a lot on his shoulders but it was nothing new. He and System 225 were already shouldering the fate of all the souls in the UniOrb. Gods included. This was nothing to him.

"Don't worry, I will do my best."

After agreeing to help the Gods, he talked with them, until he had to go back to Ren's body...


When Grey woke up again, he was still in the torture room. He almost forgot he was in there.

"Oh, you woke up," That familiar sultry voice whispered into his ear again, "You were only out for a few minutes. I thought I would have to drag your dead body out of the room."

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