Dystopia (1)

509 21 1

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Once he finished relaxing, Grey decided to go to the next world.

He put his hand on the small UniOrb and closed his eyes.

He heard System 225's soft voice. [Transfering in 3... 2... 1... Transfer complete. Good luck with your endeavors, Grey.]

With the familiar feeling of being transferred, Grey took a deep breath and let himself be carried to the next world.


When Grey opened his eyes, he found himself standing on a stage with another man who was six feet apart from him. There was a decent-sized audience in front of him. He didn't freak out, just glanced around to assess the situation.

The man had pale skin and an almost sickly look. He seemed like he barely went outside to get any sun. Actually, almost everyone Grey could see around him had a similar skin color. The man had black hair and brown eyes. Everyone in the room also had that same hair and eye color scheme.

He was a bit taller than Grey, though he at least had some muscles on him. Grey could tell that the other man didn't have abs. He was just... fit for someone who worked in an office all day.

The thing that stood out the most was the faint smell of the ocean breeze. When standing near this man, it felt like he was in a tropical paradise, sipping on a coconut. It made him feel comfortable.

All in all, he was just a bit more handsome than the rest of the people in the crowd.

One thing that bothered Grey was the man's facial expression, or lack thereof. He didn't show any emotions on his face. Actually, no one showed emotions on their faces. Within a crowd of almost 100 people, no one uttered a sound.

With a spotlight on him and the other guy onstage, it felt like they were being viewed in an auction house.

"Congratulations to Cyan and Valen for their union. With a 98% pheromone match rate, let's hope for the couple's happiness." The marriage center's host who was standing to the far right of the stage said. He was behind a curtain and could not be seen. His voice was in a monotone that didn't change much in terms of emotion. It didn't even sound like he was congratulating anyone at all!

Everyone started clapping at the same pace, volume, and strength. It was so eerie that Grey's face almost contorted.

He didn't want to show any emotions like everyone else. He just blankly looked at the man who would now be his partner.

Cyan... If Cyan was not his God System, watch him rebel and start over in a new world!

"Now, here are the rings given by the marriage center."

A man walked out with a small red pillow. On it were two gold rings. There was nothing special about the rings, just pure gold. It did, however, have their names engraved on each other's rings.

He didn't say anything, just waited for them to take the rings.

Cyan was the first to grab a ring. "May I have your hand?" He didn't sound like someone who was happy about the marriage.

Grey was a little hesitant but he knew he couldn't have the other person wait too long, so he slowly placed his hand on top of Cyan's. A familiar tingle went up his arm, making Grey almost sigh in relief. It was God System. Thank goodness it was his God System, his husband.

After Cyan put the ring on Grey, it was Grey's turn to put a ring on Cyan. He did it without any reserve, finally a bit more relaxed knowing who Cyan was.

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