Trans Idol (2)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


After Jaden cleaned himself up, he went downstairs to find something to eat. It was early morning and his parents were eating breakfast at the dining table.

"L******, it's rare to see you up for breakfast. The food is on the stove." Jaden's mother said as she drank some water.

Hearing his legal name, he felt his body cringe. There was a stabbing feeling in his chest every time he heard that name. Hearing that name was really burdensome on his heart. Was this dysphoria? He already wanted to cry. His emotions were really out of whack. System 225 warned him but this was too much.

"Thanks," Jaden mumbled as he went into the kitchen. He threw the basic breakfast food like eggs and bacon on his plate and sat down at the table. He didn't say much else and kept his head down as he ate. He already wasn't feeling good, and so he didn't have to worry about going OOC so quickly and could slowly integrate himself as Jaden. Plus, Jaden wasn't too close with his parents as his gender identity made him want to distance himself from them.

"L******, how is school going?" Jaden's father asked. He hated how Jaden was more into music and dancing than he was into schooling. He wished his child would become a doctor or something like that, like their other siblings. A more secure career was better than one where there were so many uncertainties. But Jaden compromised, so Jaden's father had to tolerate him. If only Jaden was like his other two daughters who were successful and already with kids.

"It's okay, I guess." The original Jaden wasn't good or bad in school. Perfectly average. He excelled more in the arts than in academics. He also did online schooling, so he could go at his own pace.

"You should really focus on school more. It could help you get better careers like doctors or lawyers. Even being a nurse would be fine. As long as you have a stable job, you will be able to live a lot better."

From Jaden's memories, it was the usual lectures. The original Jaden thought at first his parents meant well and that they weren't good at expressing it, but as time went by, he realized that wasn't the case. The Host also knew how they really were, so he didn't take anything they said into consideration. He just nodded and continued to eat.

The food wasn't good or bad. It was just really basic food with a little seasoning. Jaden couldn't wait to get his own place so that he could cook his meals on his own. If Jaden started randomly knowing how to cook, his parents would probably be suspicious.

Being a Host was all about acting. At least he could act well.

"Are you going to dance practice today?" His mother asked as she washed the dishes.

Jaden nodded as he chewed his food.

"Dinner will be on the table for when you come back."

The original Jaden always came home around 9 or 10 P.M. His parents ate dinner around 6 P.M.

This was the usual conversation they had. They didn't say much to each other. They seemed indifferent to Jaden. Most people would think that it was just his parents' way of showing love, but Jaden, the original, knew deep down that if he said anything to them, all hell would break loose. Honestly, the original felt his parents wouldn't care if he died. He was right though. When the police found his body some years later, they expressionlessly looked over his grave before living their lives once more. Didn't cry, didn't grieve. One wouldn't have expected parents to do that. They didn't even try to help him when he was in trouble. Actually, they didn't care that he ran away. They didn't even try to find Jaden.

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